Como dizer "Tratamento paliativo/ Cuidados paliativos" em inglês
Palliative care, end-of-life care
At dusk, I receive a call from the palliative care physician, proving that there are times when no one needs to point out our failings – our conscience tells us. Ref. theguardian
Most patients wish to die at home, but end-of-life care isn’t straightforward. Honouring their wishes requires commitment and coordination. Ref. theguardian
At dusk, I receive a call from the palliative care physician, proving that there are times when no one needs to point out our failings – our conscience tells us. Ref. theguardian
Most patients wish to die at home, but end-of-life care isn’t straightforward. Honouring their wishes requires commitment and coordination. Ref. theguardian
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