Como dizer "verde (em oposição a maduro)" em inglês

Como dizer "verde (em oposição a maduro)" em inglês
16 60 498
Hi folks!

I've learned the word "unripe" as the opposite of "ripe".

Do you know another word with the same meaning?
Ex. These apples you bought are unripe.

Thank you.

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Fruta não bem madura amarra a boca.

A not quite ripe fruit - Verdolengo(a)
- The mango is not quite ripe, it causes my mouth to pucker.
- A manga tá verdolenga, ela amarra a minha boca.

Como o caqui: ... -persimmon
Amarrar: como-dizer-uma-fruta-ta-amarrando-em-ingles-t3503.html
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23 127 1.7k
Você pode fazer uso de "green", que não é apenas a cor, mas também o estágio em que está o fruto: verde. Ou seja, "unripe".

Oxford: green: not yet ready to eat.
Merriam-webster: green: not ripe yet.
Wordreference: green: not fully developed or matured; unripe.

''If the fruit is green, it means it is not ripe and you should leave it to ripen at room temperature.'' [Google]
“When it's fully ripe, it's very, very good,” Rymph said, warning, “Never eat it when it's green. That's bad.'' [Google]

Exemplo traduzido:

This peach is still green. []
Este pêssego ainda está verde.

Bons estudos. Compartilhe.
16 60 498
Thank you guys, you're really awesome!

See you around!
7 58

Sendo bem específico, posso dizer de uma pessoa imatura e/ou sem experiência:

■ He's green.
■ He's unripe.

Thanks in advance.
1 1 19

Para se referir a uma pessoa você pode usar a palavra "immature" (imaturo) ou "inexperienced" (inexperiente), por exemplo.

Se você disser "he's green" o que me vem na mente é "he is green...with envy" :)

All the best!
Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATIVAR AGORA
6 49 1.3k
When expressing that, referring to people, it could use a range of words, adjectives, verbs and related expressions.

Often they use something like "not a grown-up", crybaby, pampered, spoiled brat/child, fool, infantilized adult children and all that jazz...
Or, for instance something a la "he is not quite a grown-up yet.../isn´t a real man/acts like a boy" (or not like a emotional grown-up, if you wish).

And the Daily Mail online said that about Dad Brad and ex-wife Jolie: might hope these two demi-adults would try harder to be good parents and keep their complicated family unit intact. Apparently not. ... ew-up.html

Well, that´s just an example, one knows that the UK tabloids can be harsh sometimes, or at least give someone a hard time!
6 49 1.3k
Ah, and there is the "wet behind the ears" Generally, said about a young and inexperienced person at the job.

This term alludes to the fact that the last place to dry in a newborn colt or calf is the indentation behind its ears. [Early 1900s]
Source: The Free Dictionary.