Como dizer "Volta olímpica" em inglês

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Esportes. Corrida comemorativa de vitória, em volta do campo (dentro do estádio).


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A Volta olímpica foi criada pelo brasileiro Adhemar Ferreira da Silva. Confira um trecho retirado de um site australiano:

During the medal presentation, the crowd became emotional chanting Adhemar, Adhemar ...after hearing the Brazilian National Anthem for the first time and seeing the flag hoisted the crowd continued to chant so an official asked Adhemar to run around the stadium and greet the crowd. They were shouting Adhemar, Adhemar, Adhemar ... This became the first time in history an athlete had run around the stadium and would later be known as the victory lap. (

Volta olímpica: Victory lap / Lap of honour

-->He's going to take a victory lap. (Ele vai dar a volta olímpica.)

Bons estudos.