Como falar sobre adolescentes infratores

Hi, there!

How can I translate the text below? I need to share some information about our legal system concerning lawbreaker teenagers with some American friends, but there are many new phrases to me in this context. Do someone know how American system handles with their teenagers? Are there special shelters to them or just commom jails for everybody?

Thanks a lot!

"Executar o programa estadual de medidas socioeducativas de internação e semiliberdade, oportunizando uma reinserção social dos adolescentes, em parceria com uma sociedade."

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My suggested translation:

Implement (or "Carry out") the socio-educational measures of the Internment and Partial Freedom (or "Semi-Freedom") State Program, giving the youngsters opportunities of social reintegration, in partnership with the community.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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From what I know there are several ways they deal with teens and children, from the unruly to the one that is being tempted to gang life, to the one that play truant etc. It depends on several factors, state, neighbourhood, socio economic factors, etc.
They have a range of correctional ways, in some states there are prevention/diversion programs in which they apply some reality shock, as taking children and teens to work for a day in a prison kitchen and being roughed up and "visit" real criminals (with something close to verbal abuse, but with supervision of wardens etc).
At the end of a certain time (don´t know if it´s a week or fortnight), a judge will decide if they will stay in the program or if they will let go of the offender, it will depend on some audience in which the teen/child will "defend" himself (say he regrets and have changed his ways/behavior.)
By the information provided by the following site, we can see that there are several ways to handle the issue of juvenile offense.
There are some cultural differences, though. Like the fact that children can´t be unsupervised (go to school by themselves, for example), play truant or roam the streets going to school by himself/herself (one of the parents will be held responsible). Neighbours, teachers, etc can report such events if they notice.
Parents can apply some "though love" and even report unruly or juvenile offender to authorities, so the latter may participate of the so-called prevention programs. ... ice_system