Como falar sobre uma situação sem controle em inglês

Como dizer "somebody else" em inglês, quero dizer como na frase:

- Isto aqui está o maior "somebody else".

Estou tentando falar sobre uma situação pastosa, sem controle, não palpável, meio que somebody else.

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2 respostas
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Leonardo96 19 293
I got fairly confused with that "somebody else" to say the very least, had no idea what you mean with that. But i'm gonna go ahead and offer a few suggestions based on that title of the thread because that description really isn't helping at all:

Isso aqui está o maior...(situaçao sem controle,certo?):

This is such a mess!
What a commotion!
What an outrageous situation!

Just a few, I could go on and on because there are countless other ways you could say that.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
One other way (and there are many ways around) to express that is "go haywire": Due to an internet shutdown, our business has gone haywire. There was no way to receive online bookings, to communicate with tourists and transfer money.

Go haywire according to the means "become wildly confused, out of control, or crazy."

In Portuguse could be "dar errado, (quando) descontrola tudo, quando algo (um sistema, etc) "fica maluco", quando as coisas ficam fora de controle, quando as coisas ficam confusas, quando tudo começa a "dar ruim" (dar errado).