Como seria Underoos em Português?

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Mas como seria a tradução de Underoos em português? A roupa de baixo do Super Homem quando em traje civil.

Duas gangues rivais se digladiaram e poderia sobrar algo pra Lois. Clark sem tempo de se trocar, foi defendê-la assim mesmo, de terno e gravata.

Findo o arranca rabo, as roupas de Clark estavam em farrapos e Lois viu...
- Clark, você está de (usando) underoos? Um marmanjo desse tamanho...
- Oh, não! Bem que eu desconfiava. Você é o Super Homem, Clark.

Assim Lois Lane soube o que a torcida inteira do flamengo já sabia.

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Hello! Para acrescentar mais informações:
"Underoos is undergarments containing pictures, graphics of cartoons character(s) and/or movie character(s) on a t-shirt sold with a color brief. These eventually evolved into briefs only and two major underwear manufactures took the concept and branded FunPals/FunGals (Fruit of the Loom) and Showtoons (Hanes). These underwear have the cartoons and/or character(s) printed directly on the brief in either multiple impressions or large single impression. However, these designed were mostly limited to children under the age of 12 with some design prints such as Star Wars with sizes available for slightly older children. In response to popular demand of kids not being able to wear this underwear manufactures such as Old Navy and Gap now market printed briefs to older children. Following the movie Charlie’s Angel a prototype adult version of the original design of underoos was created by Fruit of the Loom and was introduced to their product line, however they were unable to secure a distribution partner to continue into full scale production. Hanes is currently marketing such underwear as Space designs, Ninja Turtles, Hulk and Spiderman designed to older children and seem to be continuing their efforts with some success as they are continuing to introduce different designs.
Underoos in general urban format refer to any underwear other then solid color (that is, red, blue, tightie whities and so forth), including boxer briefs and in some cases boxers that contain cartoon or movie character(s). Since the majority of boxers contain cartoon characters they generally do not get the title underoos since cartoon boxers are not in the minority category of underwear such as briefs. "
Fonte: urbandictionary

Esse outfit era muito comum nos anos 80 (provavelmente, época em que a história do Superman foi escrita), nos quais foram substituídos atualmente pelos Long John.