Como traduzir ''Se gritar pega ladrão, não fica um meu irmão'' para o inglês?

Como dizer "Se gritar pega ladrão, não fica um meu irmão" em inglês? (Bezerra da Silva)

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2 respostas
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Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Cf.: (1) How to say "bando de ladrões" in English?

(2) How to say "Pega ladrão!" in English?

Ex.: If you yell "Stop thief", no one remains, bro.
If you shout "Stop thief", no one is spared, (my) brother.
If you cry our for help, saying "Stop thief", no one will live, brother
>> Se gritar "Pega ladrão", não fica um, meu irmão.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
If you shout 'catch the thief', everyone will scramble away (and vanish around the corner). bro...

That also could express that situation. Stop the thief seems like a single thief, let's say the one that snatched the money just withdrawn at an ATM by an old woman, he is running at full throttle at the streets and she or someone else shout that. It draws the attention to someone that is running (and could be tackled by any passerby - in the UK the majority of police officers don't use guns.
Somehow, to my thinking, "to catch" the thief would add more uncertainty to the 'audience at large'. Making them 'run for dear life'. :-)