Como traduzir "Seguindo no Trem Azul'' para o Inglês (Roupa Nova)?

Te dou meu coração, Queria dar o mundo, Luar do meu sertão, Seguindo no trem azul, Toda vez que for assoviar, A cor do trem, É da cor que alguém fizer e você sonhar.

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
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I made a mistake. My apologies for that.
ERRATUM: Lô Soares' song is called O Trem Azul.
Now, we can focus on Roupa Nova's song, Seguindo no trem azul, which was composed by Cleberson Horsth and Ronaldo Bastos in 1985.

First of all, interjections [interjeições] is a complex subject since it is related to culture. Some sounds, noises, gestures, and all types of body language can be misinterpreted and make for a lot of confusion. An example is the interjection Uh, which is used in English to express a question or a disagreement.

The Portuguese expression Luar do meu sertão is a metaphor used to our muses, people or personified forces who is the source of our inspiration. Linguistics experts says the metaphor cames from a popular Brazilian song called Luar do Sertão, which is literally translated as Hinterlands Moonlight and it was composed by João Pernambuco in 1914. In English, however, we cannot use the word moonlight because its meaning is designated to whiskey illegally distilled from a corn mash. A similar expression we can use to help English-speaking natives to understand our metaphor is beloved sunshine, beloved queen or even beautiful angel. I chose the first option because the word sun is a strong symbol to hinterlanders, although it is related to misfortunate and misery most of the time.

The word sunshine (raio de sol in Portuguese) can be used as a nickname for people in a positive sense. It describes those people who are always smiling and happy, warm like a ray of sun. However, it can also be used fairly sarcastically, to mean someone who is cold and annoying. I just tried to make a funny pun, but I believe I wasn't so lucky. :)

Enjoy your studies!
SEGUINDO NO TREM AZUL [Original Portuguese version] SEGUINDO NO TREM AZUL [English adaptation]
Confessar Confess
Sem medo de mentir With no fear of telling lies
Que em você That was in you
Encontrei inspiração I've gotten inspired
Para escrever To write
Você é pessoa que nem eu You're someone like me
Que sente amor Who have feelings
Mas não sabe muito bem But you don't know very well
Como vai dizer How you're going to tell me
Te dou o meu coração I give you my heart
Queria dar o mundo I wanted to give you the world
Luar do meu sertão My beloved sunshine
Seguindo no trem azul Taking this great chance
Toda vez que for assoviar Everytime you're going to whistle
A cor do trem The chance you take
É da cor que alguém fizer Is from someone who will able to
E você sonhar Make you dream
Não faz mal It doesn't matter if
Não ser compositor You aren't a composer
Se o amor valeu If the love is worth it
Eu empresto um verso meu I'll give you my hand
Para você dizer To make you confess
Só me dará prazer It will only be nice
Se viajar contigo If I travel to you
Até nascer o sol Until the sun rises again
Seguindo no trem azul Taking this great chance
Vai lembrar You will remember
De um cara como eu A guy like me
Que sente amor Who has feelings
Mas não sabe muito bem But he doesn't know very well
Como vai dizer How to tell you
Só me dará prazer It will only be nice
Se viajar contigo If he travels with you
Até nascer o sol Until the sun rises up
Seguindo no trem azul Taking this great chance
Uh! Uh! Uh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Te dou o meu coração I give you my heart
Queria dar o mundo I wanted to give you the world
Luar do meu sertão My beloved sunshine
(Estou) seguindo no trem azul [Repita duas vezes] (I'm) enjoying this great opportunity [Repeat twice]

(1) HAMMER, Kristen. Sounds and interjection in English in Inglês na Ponta da Língua. Date of access: 12-21-2020.

(2) ANDRADE, Mário de. Aspectos da música brasileira. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes; Brasília: INL, 1975. P. 126;

(3) VASCONCELOS, Ary. Panorama da Música Popular Brasileira na Belle Époque. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Sant’Anna, 1977. P. 121.
Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
6 26 454
Hey there DEADPOOL 2020,

The Portuguese expression trem azul is a metaphor related to the hardships we usually face in our lives. However, some people often associate it to the soccer matches and music, more precisely telling us how much we can join these subjects to help us to enjoy our lives better.
Some linguistic experts believe that the expression have its meaning changed thanks to the reframing of the song over the years. The song is Seguindo no trem azul from Roupa Nova, a Brazilian soft rock band. The song was composed by Lô Borges in 1972 and, at the beginning, it was not composed from the perspective of football.

The linguistic experts believed that its meaning started to change when some people, who cheer up for Cruzeiro Esporte Clube, a Brazilian sport club based in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais performed the song on their concerts. These people are known as cruzeirenses and the regular kit colors of the club are blue shirts and white shorts with white socks.

Lô Borges, Milton Nascimento and Samuel Rosa are the male performers we watch on the video above who are paying tribute to Cruzeiro Esporte Clube wearing blue or white shirts.
SEGUINDO NO TREM AZUL [Original Portuguese version] SEGUINDO NO TREM AZUL [English adaptation]
Coisas que a gente se esquece de dizer Things we forget to say
Frases que o vento vem, às vezes, me lembrar Words which the wind reminds me sometimes
Coisas que ficaram muito tempo por dizer Things that have been left untold in a long time
Na canção do vento não se cansam de voar Blowing in the wind, they remain
Você pega o trem azul You take this great chance
O Sol na cabeça The sun (is) in your mind
O Sol pega o trem azul Your sun takes this great chance
Você na cabeça You're on my mind
O Sol na cabeça The sun (is) in your mind
In this song, a romantic guy tries to declare his love to someone who does not know how to express it either. We can interpret the blue train (trem azul) as (1) a passionate vehicle where they share feelings for each other and all that love which cannot be described in words easily or (2) a situation of extreme joy and fulfillment to show how much loyal and healthy their relationship is.

Just out of curiosity, Transnet Freight Rail company launched Blue Train, one of the most luxurious train journeys in the world in 1923. The trains travel an approximately 1,600-kilometre (990 mi) journey in South Africa between Pretoria and Cape Town. It boasts butler service, two lounge cars (smoking and non-smoking), an observation car, and carriages with gold-tinted picture windows, in soundproofed, fully carpeted compartments, each featuring its own en-suite (many of which are equipped with a full-sized bathtub). South Africans associate the Blue Train - often stylized with capital letters - as a symbol of wealth and entertainment.

However, the meaning is completely different from Lô Borges' perspective. The blue train can also represent a good opportunity or a great chance to change the life for good. In poetry, the Portuguese word "sol" - which is translated to sun - represents the person who are the light of the singer's life; someone who is dear, important and special; someone who are always on his mind.

I also enjoy this opportunity to make some notes about one of the verses of the song "Na canção do vento, (elas) não se cansam de voar". If we translated it literally we will have this sentence "In the song of the wind, they don't get tired to fly". In Portuguese, we can ommit the subject pronoun elas - which is translated to the pronoun they - without problems. The same rule does not apply to English grammar. Another point is related to the meaning of this verse. It is another metaphor. No matter how much time passes, the words and things mentioned on this song is on everyone's lips. They cannot be forgotten so easily.

I hope you find it interesting and very helpful to your studies! :)


(1) SCHETINO, André. Esporte Clube Esquina. Date of publication: 05-16-2011.

(2) GARCIA, Luis Henrique Assis. Na esquina do mundo: trocas culturais na música popular brasileira através da obra do Clube da Esquina (1960-1980). Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. 2007.