Como usar as horas vagas para aprender inglês

Olá a todos do English Experts,

Então, terei daqui pra frente aproximadamente 3 meses e 20 dias de tempo integral livre para aprender inglês. Faço curso no Cultura Inglesa, o qual frequento todos os sábados, porém gostaria de dar um "up" no aprendizado, visto que praticar inglês apenas um dia na semana é muito pouco. Ficarei muito grato se puderem a partir desse post, me enviar dicas para treinamento diário de conversação e "listening" principalmente.


Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
6 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Something to begin with:
There are some good tips on that discussion...
Plus, if you have some time alone at home, you can mute your TV/DVD and try to emulate the lines the characters have spoken in a movie, show, etc. I say when you are alone, because many people would shy away from that, but some wouldn´t. Anyway, find your style, and follow it.
Try to sing musics.
Make use of interviews, you listening the natives, you can "pick some different accents", etc. You build up vocab and have fun in the process (if you watch your favorite artist, of course).
If possible, and that is advisable, get a "coach" a teacher that will see your weakeness and fortes, in listening, speaking, and other skills.
Never ever get afraid of making mistakes, you will make lots of them, in your learning; sometimes this makes people be wary of making questions. I have learned from helpful and obliging people, but I have learned from some that were impatient, sarcastic, ironic or that played "hard to get" (but they got friendly at the end). Sometimes natives can be very terse in their answers and we mistake them for unfriendly or something else.
One don´t need to go in a "learning and cramming binge", but can study and learn every day, all days in life. One way to make that possible is to shift from a subject to the other, or from a skill to the next.
And other tips that our friends might offer, let´s wait for them. In the meantime, you can read plenty of past discussions on this topic.
It´s not necessary to mention here that what works for one person may not work to other, but the general experiences that many students have brought up to the table might help others.
I also have to mention that I am just a Brazilian learner, not a teacher or something, those comments are out of my own experience, that can be a bit flawed.
So natives, teachers and advanced students may offer their two cents, and that is most welcome.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
By the way, when I have to wait for something, some kinds of doctor appointment, on a bus stop, for someone at an airport, etc... I more often than not, have a novel or some English magazine at hand.
It´s a way of "filling the gap" and making useful use of what would be just a "waste of time", sort of.
I have some apps on my phone that help as well. I use them with the same purpose shown in the comments above, the only difference is that I use my phone and not a book or some sort of similar thing.
jorgeluiz 1 6 92
Victor Guerra,

Você pode praticar o "listening" com:, pois tem o fácil, médium, dificl e muito dificil.

Thank u very much PPAULO! Your tips are great.

What apps do you have, Carv0026?

Thank you Jorge! That site is very good.
Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATUALIZAR AGORA
Sorry, Victor Guerra!
I stopped using EnglishExperts for a long time and I didn't get to see your question. The name of the app was "English Learning", but I think this app is no longer available. I used to use it on my Galaxy S3 smartphone, but I tried to find it again and I couldn't. I learned a lot since the last time I was here though. Now I am working as an Academic Translator and as a Medical Interpreter. Please, let me know if I can be of any help to you!
My real name is Valdir Ribeiro (Carv0026).