Complete as frases com HEAR ou LISTEN (to)

Redseahorse 4 36 579
Tendo como parâmentro as diferenças semânticas entre os verbos OUVIR e ESCUTAR na língua Portuguesa, cujas regras são as mesmas da lingua Inglesa. Complete as frases seguintes com os verbos HEAR ou LISTEN (to):

1. Suddenly I ……………………… a loud noise. (heard - listened)
2. Can you speak a bit louder? I can’t ………………… you. (hear - listen to)
3. You can …………………… something without wanting to. (hear, listen to)
4. Though I ………………… ... Them talking in the next room, I didn’t really …………………. What they were saying. (heard, listen to - heard, heard -
Heard, listened to)
5. I didn’t …………………… the calling bell because I was watching TV. (hear - listen to)
6. …………………... Carefully to what I am going to say. (Hear - Listen)

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