Complete com a preposição correta...

I. The ship is bound _ Africa.
II. We set sail _ a tour of the Caribbean.
III. The Captain was responsible_ the incident.
IV. Attention has to be given_ wheater conditions.
V. Crew members are expected to comply _ safety regulations.

B) in/for/for/to/to
C) to/for/for/to/with
D) to/for/to/to/to
E) for/to/to/for/with

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2 respostas
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OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
gian2hard 1 7 52
Hum, nenhuma das opções estão corretas na minha opinião!

The ship is bound FOR Africa.
We set sail FOR a tour of the Caribbean
The Captain was responsible FOR the incident.
Attention has to be given TO weather conditions.
Crew members are expected to comply WITH safety regulations.

Bound FOR é usado nesse caso no sentido de [indo para algum lugar para ou destino específico.]
Bound TO tem outro significado!