Contrações Informais em Inglês

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Principais contrações do informais no inglês falado nos EUA.

1. Lemme: if you see this spelled, which you usually won't, it is spelled l-e-m-m-e, and is actually the words let + me. Lemme, as in, "Lemme help you with that."

2. Wanna: w-a-n-n-a. Wanna is the combination of the words want and to. "I wanna go to the movies. Do you wanna come along?"

3. Dunno: d-u-n-n-o. Dunno is the combination of the words don't and know. "I dunno how to speak Japanese."

4. Lotta and lotsa. Lotta and lotsa are combinations of the words lot of or lots of. "There are lotsa grammar rules for English."

5. Kinda k-i-n-d-a is a combination of kind and of. Kind of means sort of, or a little.

6. Gonna g-o-n-n-a is a combination of going and to. "I'm gonna go to the movies tonight."

7. Gotta g-o-t-t-a is a combination of the words got and to, and the double t is said as a d sound, listen again, gotta.

Then there are the less known combinations, often of more than two words.

One of them is wheredja. Wheredja is the combination of the words where + did + you. Wheredja. "I love your shoes. Wheredja get them?"

Whadja: Whadja is the combination of the words what + did + you. "Whadja have for dinner last night."

Howdja: Howdja is the combination of how + did + you. "Howdja like the movie? I thought it was great.

Ref. pronuncian

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6 respostas
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Bryan Philpott 2 22 127
Where'd ya get that?

Where d'ya get that?

What'd ya do to them?

What d'ya do in that situation?

Whatcha up too?

How'd ya do that?

How d'ya fix this issue?
Qual é a forma correta de se utilizar o "kinda"?
Por exemplo:

"Kinda a big idea" ou "Kinda big idea" ?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
It's kinda big. (not kinda a big), because it means "kind of big idea".
Reversing it you see better why is that so: it's big, kind of. (no kind of 'a').
Leonardo96 19 293 escreveu: 24 Nov 2021, 15:40 Qual é a forma correta de se utilizar o "kinda"?
Por exemplo:

"Kinda a big idea" ou "Kinda big idea" ?
Nesse caso a contração nao se encaixa porque soa estranho por causa do "a" que vem depois, tem que usar o of normalmente

That's kind of a great idea. (Isso é meio que uma ótima idéia)

Funciona em contextos onde você quer dizer meio/mais ou menos.

He's kind of/kinda boring (ele é meio chato)
-Can you play football? Kind of. (Sabe jogar futebol? Mais ou menos.)
Bryan Philpott 2 22 127
Wheredja, whadja, howdja, is closer to how they are typically pronounced, but when written the forms are most often:

Where'd ya / where d'ya

What'd ya / what d'ya / whatcha

How'd ya / how d'ya

You will see these written in books or articles where they are reporting the accent/dialect of the speaker accurately.
Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATIVAR AGORA
Ah, sim! Brigada, Leonardo!
Leonardo96 escreveu: 24 Nov 2021, 20:18 Nesse caso a contração nao se encaixa porque soa estranho por causa do "a" que vem depois, tem que usar o of normalmente

That's kind of a great idea. (Isso é meio que uma ótima idéia)

Funciona em contextos onde você quer dizer meio/mais ou menos.

He's kind of/kinda boring (ele é meio chato)
-Can you play football? Kind of. (Sabe jogar futebol? Mais ou menos.)