Correção artigo de opinião - Uso de animais em experiências

Alguém poderia, por favor, corrigir esse texto? O objetivo era fazer um pequeno artigo de opinião sobre o uso de animais em experiências científicas. Desde já muito obrigada.

Obs.: Eu usei muito o verbo ''use'' no texto. Teria alguma dica para substituir essa palavra? No dicionário encontrei ''employ'', mas fiquei em dúvida se expressa o mesmo sentido que ''use''.

A uncertainnes of the science

In the October some protests against the use of animals in experiences have happened in Brazil. The manifestants claimed that animals have equals rights of life as humans. The disseminates photos of dogs used in experiments cause a feeling of commotion and empathy with the animals. Besides this, a suspicious of ill treatment was the last drop out that causes the invasion of the institute which uses animal in its trials.
The arguments used by the invaders were based in the right of life that includes all live beings. In this point of view it is not moral to use a living creature to expand the development of things like beauty products, clothes and chemical substances. According this view, using dogs or any other animal in trials should have the same penalty of using humans, even if they are used to improve the healthy and to treat some illness present in the society.
Nowadays dogs, rats and monkeys are used to test new substances created by scientists whose objective is find out the cure of illness like cancer and HIV. The opinion about the ethic behind this activity does not have an agreement in the society. Are the science institutes doing wrong? Should we stop using animals in our tests? What would happen with the development of the medicine in our times? These are some of the questions we can do about this topic. And probably people do not have an unique response.

O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
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Olá Bianca. Estarei apontando algumas sugestões e/ou correções para seu texto:

Uncertainty in science

In the October some protests against the use of animals in (medical) experiments have took place in Brazil. The protesters / demonstrators claimed that animals and humans have equal rights. The disseminated photos of dogs used in experiments caused a feeling of commotion and empathy towards the animals. Besides this A suspicion of ill treatment was the last straw and led to the invasion of the institute which uses animal in its trials.
The arguments used by the invaders were based on the right to life, which includes all live beings. From this point of view, it is immoral to use a living creature in the development of cosmetics, clothes and chemical substances. According to this view, using dogs or any other animal in trials should be subject to the same penalties as those for using humans, even if they are used in health research and in the treatment of diseases.
Nowadays, dogs, rats and monkeys are used to test new substances created by scientists whose objective is to find the cure for diseases like cancer and AIDS. There's no general consensus as to the ethic involved in this activity. Are the science institutes wrong? Should we stop using animals in our tests? How would that affect the development of modern medicine? These are some of the questions that warrant closer examination, and to which there is probably no single response.


1) Meses não são precedidos pelo artigo definido em inglês.

2) Na frase inicial, sugeri a alteração do tempo verbal para o passado simples, considerando que outubro já passou. O uso do Present Perfect não seria incorreto, contudo, caso ainda estivéssemos no mês mencionado.

3) Atentar para a diferença entre "experience" (acontecimento memorável ou conhecimento adquirido com a prática) e "experiment" (experiência de caráter científico).

4) Mantive "use" e "used" no texto. Contudo, caso você prefira ou precise substituí-los por alternativas, não há problemas em empregar "employ" (como indicado por seu dicionário) ou "utilize" (assim como seus substantivos - "employment" e "utilization"). Por exemplo:

"The employment of animals in medical testing is..."

5) Algumas das alterações sugeridas são meramente estilísticas, e visam sobretudo à fluidez do texto e/ou à diversificação do vocabulário empregado. As últimas frases, por exemplo, poderiam ser mantidas. Neste caso, deve-se apenas atentar para o fato de que, em inglês, diz-se "to ask a question", e que a tradução de "único" no sentido de "apenas um" é "single". "Unique" é um adjetivo utilizado para descrever coisas ou pessoas cujas características são incomuns e as tornam diferentes (únicas).

Bons estudos!