Correção da frase "do not fear the dark because...''

I really need help from you to see if this phrase is correct:

"Do not fear the dark because, in fact, the evil is afraid of the clarity. Light up the darkness".

English is not the main language of my country and the phrase need to be 100% correct because it will be written on a place that could not receive correction.
I'd like to know if the construction is correct and if it is coherent, i mean, if you can understand what it is trying to say.
Thanks to all!

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"Clarity" é um falso cognato, e não indica existência de luz em inglês. "Clarity" é a qualidade de ser claro ou de fácil entendimento, e é especialmente comum em referência a ideias, propósitos ou, em nível físico, à opacidade de substâncias, mas não à presença física de luz. Uma alternativa, neste caso, seria "light".

(The) evil is afraid of (the) light.
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6 49 1.3k
Rephrasing the statement, with the benefit of the insights of Juliana comment: ;)

"Do not fear the dark because, in fact, the evil is afraid of the light. Light up the darkness".
6 14 102
You're right, Juliana.

My dictionary defined clarity as a synonym to brightness, but in the sense of what is clear, not shiny. The false cognate misled me.

6 14 102
"Do not fear the dark, because, in fact, the evil is afraid of the clarity. Light up the darkness."
A frase me parece boa.