Correção da frase: Which another Japanese food would like to

Hi Guys,

Eu gostaria de sabe se esta frase está correta. "Which another Japanese food would like to try ?"
Eu queria dizer "Que outra comida japonesa você experimentaria?"

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1 resposta
Marcos 4 19 70
Hello Juevelin,
"Which another Japanese food would like to try ?"
If I were the one to write or say such sentence, it would be something like:

- What other Japanese food would you like to try?


Which is usually used when you have two different things to choose:

- Which would you like to try, Japanese or French food?

Another is used when something has already been mentioned, it means: um outro uma vez que "outro" já fora mencionado.

- I liked this dish, but I wish to try another one.

Regards, =]