Correção das frases: This is my presentation.Thank you for the attention.

Eu gostaria de saber se as seguintes frases: "This is my presentation. Thank you for the attention." Eu posso colocar vírgula entre a palavra presentation e thank, ou seja, eu posso fazer assim: "This is my presention, thank you for the attention".

Agradeço deste já pela ajuda.

Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
5 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
"This is my presentation, thank you for the attention".

Sim, está bom assim, e é aceitável. Presumo que seja ao final da apresentação.
Sim, é no final da apresentação.
Leonardo96 19 293
"Thank your for the attention" nao é muito natural. Recomendo trocar para "thank you for your time".
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I like "for your attention", "...for your time for being here" would also be okay. So, up to the learner to decide, if he/she feels any qualms about it, don´t use it.
Only "for your time" may (or may not) reminds me of "for your time and inconvenience", as when lends an ear to you.
Perhaps "thank you for having come (and enjoyed the presentation, etc..." would a good way to end the presentation.
The ball is in your court again guys. :-)
Leonardo96 19 293
PPAULO escreveu: 01 Jul 2020, 21:09 I like "for your attention", "...for your time for being here" would also be okay. So, up to the learner to decide, if he/she feels any qualms about it, don´t use it.
Only "for your time" may (or may not) reminds me of "for your time and inconvenience", as when lends an ear to you.
Perhaps "thank you for having come (and enjoyed the presentation, etc..." would a good way to end the presentation.
The ball is in your court again guys. :-)
No need to add "for being here" in fact it doesn't sound as natural. People do often say "thank you for your time" as the equivalent of what we put as "obrigado pela atenção".