Correção das frases: This year I have new teacher

Hi Guy,

Eu quero saber se escrevi corretamente as frases:

This year I have new teacher.
And I change the class because now the class is on Monday and Wednesday and the timetable change too.

Eu quis dizer Neste ano, eu tenho um professor novo. E eu mudei de turma pois agora as minhas aulas são segunda-feira e quarta-feira e o horário também mudou.

Thanks in advance.

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4 19 70
Hey there,

I highlighted the mistakes and offered some other options:
This year I have a new teacher. And I changed the class (group?) because now the classes are on Monday and Wednesday and the timetable changed too.
Other ways to say the same thing:

- This year I have a new teacher. I changed my schedule so now the classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays. My classes are also on a different time.

- I have a new teacher this year. I've changed my whole schedule so my classes are on every Monday and Wednesday.

That's it.
See ya!

*I removed ''timetable'' since I'm not used to it.
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
1 19
Que tal assim:

I changed my class this year. So, I have a new teacher and now my classes are on mondays and on wednesdays at a new schedule.

Há algo de errado no texto que escrevi?
1 15
adriano78 escreveu:Que tal assim:

I changed my class this year. So, I have a new teacher and now my classes are on mondays and on wednesdays at a new schedule.

Há algo de errado no texto que escrevi?
Acho que usar "group" ou mesmo "classes day/course days" seria mais usual, talvez a "class" deixe um pouco vago.

On Mondays and Wednesdays (acho que o "on" antes do segundo nome não seja preciso)

Você poderia dizer: I switched/changed my course/class days. So, I've got a new schedule, in which my classes are now on Mondays and Wednesdays with a new teacher.

I've changed my class days/ group at my English course, so now I have classes on Mondays and Wednesdays with a new teacher.

Se tiver errado, perdão. Acho que os outros poderão corrigir
9 55
This year I have new teacher.
And I change the class because now the class is on Monday and Wednesday and the timetable change too.

Timetable and schedule mean the same thing: horário
Timetable - British English
Schedule - American English ... /timetable

My suggestion:
British English:
This year I’ve got a new teacher, and I’ve also changed my English classes timetable. So now my English classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays.
American English:
This year I have a new teacher, and I also changed my English classes schedule. So now my English classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays.
No need to use the present perfect simple here. Use schedule instead of timetable.
No need to use: have got. (quite British English)
Class: aula, horário ... gues/class

This year I have a new teacher and I switched classes because now my class is Mondays and Wednesdays at X:XX.

Just remember one thing about the verb "to change", if you use it on this sentence, it'll basically say that the old class DOESN'T EXIST, rather than just referring to your going to a new one.

Your class happens EVERY week, therefore Mondays and Wednesdays rather than on Monday and Wednesday.

Also, if you're being specific about what days they are now, it'd only make sense for you to be specific about the time as well.