Correção de dedicatória de um livro em inglês (2)

Aqui está a continuação do agradecimento para o livro. Obrigada pela ajuda.

I´m really proud about all this. That´s my first book and it´s a success. I decided to collet my short stories, poem and letters into a simple notebook. It could be a note´s notebook that has become in a stories´s book about my own world. I have no words to describe it!
All these texts were write when I was eighteen/ nineteen and just work at the agency´s Correios.
Now, I present to you, guys, a resume of my characters:

Joaquim Flambom: Oh, God! That´s my first character. He cames to life when I was a high school girl! He belongs with me forever! But this one belongs to the dark shadows and loves the Moon´s light too. Thanks for being a part of me anyway.

Emilia Campos Dubone: She´s a smart girl! She´s always trying to do things work! Maybe she makes a better world! Oh, we have to believe it!

Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Algumas sugestões de correção:
I'm really proud of all this. That´s my first book and it´s a success. I decided to collect my short stories, poems and letters into a simple notebook. It could be described as a notebook that became a story book about my own world. I have no words to describe it!

All these texts were writen when I was eighteen/ nineteen and just worked at Correios.
Now, I present to you, guys, a summary of my characters:

Joaquim Flambom: Oh, God! That´s my first character. He came to life when I was a high school girl! He belongs with me forever! But this one belongs to the dark shadows and loves the moonlight too. Thanks for being a part of me anyway.

Emilia Campos Dubone: She´s a smart girl! She´s always trying to make things work! Maybe she can make the world better! Oh, we have to believe it!