Correção de dedicatória em inglês de um livro - Parte 3

Aqui está a continuação do meu agradecimento para o livro. Obrigada!

Guilherme Barbosa: When I think about it, I can´t believe it happened to me! You´re a part of my dreams. You´re a gift from the Universe! You came to life on a suddenly way. You´re the best story I´d ever had. That´s ok.
But when I remember about those times I think I´d made a bad mistake. I´m in doubt! My life could be better if I´d really got that way, but , by the other hand, you´d never be here! You´d never be a story! It seems a stupid reason, but I can´t see the truth. I´m trying to figure out my destiny. I wish I had looked one more time to you! I wish I had enjoyed a little more presence, but... Now, it´s too late! I regret all my choices, but maybe that´s my way. And we can´t deny our destiny even the other way looks better! That´s all! Thanks anyway!

Rafael Barbosa: I can´t believe it! It´s surreal! I forgot the way you came to life too! You was born from the wind! You´re such a valent guy, and you´re not bad! You´d never give up! You know the best way of turning back all bad feelings. You get the eternity!

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Algumas sugestões de correção:
Guilherme Barbosa: When I think about it, I can´t believe it happened to me! You´re a part of my dreams. You´re a gift from the universe! You came to life in a sudden way. You´re the best story I´ve ever had. That´s ok.
But when I remember those times I think I made a serious mistake. I´m in doubt! My life could be better if I´d really gotten that way, but , on the other hand, you´d never be here! You´d never be a story! It seems a stupid reason, but I can´t see the truth. I´m trying to figure out my destiny. I wish I had looked one more time at you! I wish I had enjoyed your presence a little more, but... Now, it´s too late! I regret all my choices, but maybe that´s my way. And we can´t deny our destiny even if the other way looks better! That´s all! Thanks anyway!

Rafael Barbosa: I can´t believe it! It´s surreal! I forgot the way you came to life too! You were born from the wind! You´re such a brave guy, and you´re not bad! You´d never give up! You know the best way of turning back all bad feelings. You get the eternity!