Correção de Essay: Marrying someone...

Hi again.

Here's another TOEFL essay.

Is it better to marry someone who is similar to you, rather than someone who is different from you?

Looking for a stable relationship with others always brings a old question: shall people marry someone similar of diferent to them? Altought making a rational decision may be hard, I believe that marrying someone who is similar to me is better, mainly because in this situation it is easier to live together.

Marrying someone is, in most cultures, linked to the fact of living together and, thus, sharing the same space for the rest of their lives or, at leat, until they break. However, living together with a partner isn’t so simple as usually is living togheter with parents, for example, mainly because each partner grew up in a distinct environment and is likely to has different habits. In fact, my mother used to say to me that all relationships are good until the partners decide to live together. Altought I have never lived together (in the same house) with a girlfriend, I recognize this problem by analyzing the relationship of a friend of mine. When he and his girfriend started to share a condo, the relationship deteriorated, mainly because he wasn’t used to clean up the mess of the house.

In addition to the problem of sharing the same space, I believe that outdoor activities are crucial for the health of the relationship and, in this sense, it is very positive having a intersection between the interests of each one. For instance, I really love watching to _______ music concerts, but I had a girlfriend who didn’t like it and, for her, hanging out with me to a concert was very boring. In the same way, she was used to eat japanese food on the weekends, but I simply hate this type of food. Therefore, hanging out in a relationship with someone whose interests are very distinct from yours can be really difficult.

Finally, I would say that many marriages are made with the intend of having childs in some point of the future. In this sense, similarities between the partners are essential, once it possibilities certain consensus about the way in which the child will be educated.

Considering all above, I think there are much more advantages on marrying someone similar to me than marrying with someone who has very different ideas and interests.


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24 105 397
André, como explicado pelo Paulo, a estrutura "to be likely to" é sempre seguida por um verbo na forma infinitiva, independente de o sujeito ser singular ou plural. Neste sentido, ela assemelha-se a "to be able to do something".

They are able to do it
He / she is able to do it
He / she is able to does it

They are likely to have it
He / she is likely to have it
He / she is likely to has it

Há uma forma alternativa de sentido similar, contudo, onde a concordância obedece à norma padrão:

They likely have it
He / she likely has it

Neste caso, "likely" é um advérbio como qualquer outro, e não há "to". Logo, não vale a regra descrita.

Há um segundo ponto gramatical que eu tinha a intenção de observar, mas que acabei me esquecendo de incluir no post final, relacionado ao uso de "once" e "since". Embora ambos possam ser traduzidos como "uma vez que", seus sentidos diferem em inglês. "Once", neste contexto, é usado de forma similar a "quando". "Since" é usado de forma similar a "porque".

Uma vez que (no momento que) você compreenda o conceito geral, o resto deverá ser relativamente fácil. -> Once you grasp the general concept, the rest should be relatively easy.

Não posso dirigir, uma vez que (porque) não tenho carteira. -> I can't drive, since I don't have a license.
O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
9 55
Hi Andre
I've read your essay and I've noticed some minor mistakes that I'd like to point them out to you.

primeiro parágrafo:nós usamos although sempre com o sujeito e o verbo. Nunca com ing.
exemplo: Although the book was expensive, I bought it.
Se quiser usar a ing form tem que optar por In spite of ou Despite:
In spite of working hard, she wasn't able to finish the essay in time to hand in.
segundo parágrafo: at least (spelling), living together (spelling), likely to have (forma do verbo) você tem que usar o verbo no infinitivo. although (spelling)

a forma be used to : você tem que usar com ing : He wasn't used to cleaning up.
terceiro paragrafo: live music concerts , was used to eating (ing form), tem uma frase que você escreveu: It is very positive having an intersection between the interests of each one. Acho melhor você dizer:it is a very positive way of creating common interests.

quarto paragrafo: intend é um verbo aqui você precisa de um substantivo : intention.
quinto parágrafo: possibility é substantivo .Você precisa de um verbo: tornar possível, possibilitar : to enable: once it enables them to reach a consensus.

I really liked your essay. :)
24 105 397
Olá André! Fiz algumas alterações que achei oportunas, pra complementar o que já foi dito.


I believe that marrying someone who is similar to me is better, mainly because in this case /situation, it is easier to live together.

Marrying someone is, in most cultures, linked to the fact of living together and, thus, sharing the same space for the rest of their lives or, at least, until they break up (Whose lives? Who's "they"? Try to be more specific when using pronouns. In this case, the reader has little way of knowing who "they" are, unless it's plain from the context). However, living (together) with a partner isn’t so simple as living with parents usually is, for example, mainly because each partner grew up (or has grown up) in a distinct environment and is likely to have different habits. In fact, my mother used to tell me that all relationships are good until the partners decide to live together. Although I have never lived together (in the same house) with a girlfriend, I recognize this problem by analyzing the relationship of a friend of mine. When he and his gilfriend started to share a condo, the relationship deteriorated, mainly because he would rarely clean up the mess in the house (I made a slight adjustment to the original sentence and used "would" to indicate a past habit. You could, however, say "didn't use to". "Wasn't used to" has a different meaning. Natural-sounding equivalents might include "clean up after himself", "clean up his mess", "do the cleaning" and so on).

In addition to the problem of sharing the same space, I believe that outdoor activities are crucial for the health of a relationship and, in this sense, overlapping interests can prove helpful / positive . For instance, I really love watching _______ music concerts, but I had a girlfriend who didn’t like it and, for her, going to a concert with me was very boring. In the same way, she usually ate (or "she would usually eat") Japanese food on (the) weekends, but I simply hate this type of food. Therefore, hanging out with someone whose interests are very distinct from yours can be really difficult.

Finally, I would say that many people marry with the intent of having children at some point in the future (I rephrased the original sentence for clarity purposes). In this sense, similarities between the partners are essential, since they enable / allow them to reach a consensus on the way in which the child should be educated ("reaching a compromise" is also quite common).

Considering all the above, I think there are many more advantages to marrying someone similar to me than marrying with someone who has very different ideas and interests.


Andre, mais uma vez gostaria de lhe parabenizar pelo seu inglês. Você tem um bom domínio da língua! Apenas algumas obserações, como reforço ao que foi dito pelo(a) colega acima:

O inglês possui duas formas principais envolvendo o uso de "used" (além do verbo convencional). Uma é "[sujeito] used to do something" e a outra é "[sujeito] is used to doing something". Elas são estruturadas de forma diferente, e possuem significados diferentes. A primeira é comumente usada para expressar um hábito do passado que provavelmente não occore mais. A segunda é usada para expressar que você está acostumado a algo. Ela não denota um costume, contudo.

"She was used to eating Japanese food on weekends" (atente para o uso do gerúndio após "to", que neste caso é uma preposição). Neste caso, a ideia é que ela estava acostumada a comer comida japonesa nos fins de semana. A implicação é de que poderia ter havido uma relutância inicial, mas que, com o tempo, ela se acostumou a comer este tipo de comida nos fins de semana.

"She used to eat Japanese food on weekends". Neste caso, a ideia é a de que ela costumava comer comida japonesa nos finais de semana, mas que isto provavelmente não ocorre mais.

Para o caso da sua frase, eu sugeri o uso do passado simples, contudo, pois ele expressa a ideia com precisão. Uma alternativa, como eu ressaltei, seria o uso de "would", que pode ser usado para indicar um evento de ocorrência repetida também.

2) "Hang out at a place" = Ficar ou passar tempo em algum lugar. "Hang out to a place" não é convencional. Se o sentido for de "ir", prefira "go".

3) "Possibilitar" não tem um equivalente literal em inglês, mas "allow", "enable" e até mesmo "to make something possible" são boas alternativas, dentre outros, naturalmente.

Bons estudos!

Obrigado a ambos.

Sua explicação ficou realmente muito boa, Juliana. Não conhecia essa diferença do used to x was used to, ficarei mais atento agora.

Quanto ao Hang out, eu confundi o significado :) O que quis expressar era o Go out, como você sugeriu.

Só fiquei em dúvida quanto a uma coisa:
"mainly because each partner grew up in a distinct environment and is likely to have different habits."
Aqui eu pensei que o sujeito fosse singular (traduzindo para o português, por exemplo). Imaginei que fosse o mesmo caso que isso aqui: ... z/post.htm

6 49 1.3k
Grammar points:

# 1) Each takes a takes a singular verb. As per grammar point, as the guy in the site you have seen. Notice that he said " *The use of the plural verb here [in the given example] seems to be very informal.

# 2) More often than not, "It´s likely" takes a particle TO as in:
Obama Is Likely to Lose.
All this is likely to go out of the window.
Who Is Likely to Develop an Eating Disorder?
And others.

Sometimes you will see this way "5 reasons why a government shutdown is (likely) coming." (Journalese, though. it was used instead of "5 reasons why a governmente shutdown is to come.") and others times used with modals, i.e. with "will" etc. Exceptions to the rule.

But, as they say, all rules have exceptions, this one included.

See ... hat-clause

Now back to the crux. When there is the clause "it´s likely to..." then rule #2 takes precedence over rule #1.
So, in having the particle TO it makes the ensuing verb to go to its "infinitive" form.
Thus, there is no "to has".
Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATUALIZAR AGORA
Certo, entendi tudo agora.

Muito obrigado, Juliana e Paulo.

Aliás, quando eu estava escrevendo, fiquei bastante em dúvida mesmo sobre since x once. Pensei que fosse intercambiável no sentido de "porque", mas me enganei.

6 49 1.3k
Okay, Andre. You are welcome.

Other grammar point (I noticed that on a second reading):

Looking for a stable relationship with others always brings an old question...
6 49 1.3k
Other thing I have noticed.
You found Juliana answer helpful, it seemed. So, as you are in a grateful mood, perhaps you might think of showing it by voting (by clicking in the "thumbs up" sign) on the top of her replying. It converts your thankful mood in a vote.
And it also rewards Alessandro, that studied computer science for 10 years with the sole goal of designing this feature, he he. ;)
Right, I did it.

To be honest, I have already tried to do it before, however, I couldn't, maybe due to my number of posts or something like that.

Oh, I'm taking classes of Computer Science too.
6 49 1.3k
Yes, I see. You figured it right, it had to do with the number of posts.
Hmm, we are surrounded by the Computer Science crowd! glad to know, although it seems like English is naturally a "port of call" to people into engineering, computer science and related sciences. :geek: