Correção de frase: "In the late 19th century..."

In the late 19th century the city received many immigrants from other parts of the world, particularly from Germany, Italy, and Poland.

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3 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Great job! Congrats.
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454

In the late 19th century, the city received many immigrants from other parts of the world, particularly from Germany, Italy, and Poland.
No final do século 19, a cidade recebeu muitos imigrantes de outras partes do mundo, particularmente da Alemanha, Itália e Polônia.

The city received many immigrants from other parts of the world, particularly from Germany, Italy and Poland in the late 19th century.
A cidade recebeu muitos imigrantes de outras partes do mundo, particularmente da Alemanha, Itália e Polônia no final do século 19