Correção de frase "My free time"

I like to spend my time studying or going out with friends, having fun and talking with them.I also go to beach many times, it is one of my favorites trips.

Obs: trips eu não consegui me expressar...
Queria colocar: é um dos meu programas favoritos

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2 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k


I like to spend my time studying or going out with my friends - having fun and talking with them. I also go to the beach many times, it is one of my favorite activities.

Activity: something that is done for enjoyment, especially an organized event. - Cambridge
Vendo as frases serem corrigidas dá animo para estudar inglês! = )
Muito obrigado donay mendonça!

Pelo visto o "the" me pegou de novo...