Correção de frase "The title of this article is wrong..."

Hi, I just read this comment in a post on Facebook and it seemed grammatically wrong, but actually I'm not sure. I was wondering about the use of the first "as" in the sentence. So I'd like to know the difference between the original comment and the one I just wrote below it.

Original: "The title of this article is wrong. Netflix does work here in Brazil although there content is not as updated as fast as we would like it to be."

I'd rewrite it like this:

"The title of this article is wrong. Netflix does work here in Brazil although its content is not updated as fast as we would like it to be."

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1 resposta
Juliana Rios 24 105 397
Hi Bruno,

You have assumed correctly. The first sentence is wrong. "Their" was incorrectly replaced by "there" and the first "as" should not be there.

The second sentence is correct.