Correção de frase: When you got late in your bed

Olá, estou com uma dúvida nessas frases, gostaria de saber se a forma escrita está correta, principalmente na parte "when you got late in your bed". Está correto? Ou seria "when you got late to your bed"?

"What were you thinking when you got late in your bed,
That’s the reason why you didn't even see the cash."

Muito obrigado!

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3 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I would expect another wording: "what were you thinking when you got to bed late?"
Muito bom! Mas está errado dizer “when you got late in your bed”? Faz algum sentido?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
It would depends on what you mean, "late in bed" seems like a static thing (you know that you woke up late and you are in bed). When you got to bed late means a more dynamic thing (it suggests movement, you are not in bed). With the former you are staying late in bed whereas with the latter you are going to bed).