Correção de frases: ''I think that men, their responsibilities, etc''

Olá pessoal, Gostaria de saber se meu argumento têm problemas ortográficos, usei o translate, mas não consegui localizar nada.
Estudo sozinho e estou escrevendo sobre assuntos diversos.

I think that men feel pressured by society in general in order to lead.
Their responsibilities has been relacioned by positions of power and protect their family though.
I really don't think It's cool, because that situation building an oppressive sexist society that hang young boys.
It's necessary deconstruct these ideas.

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
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Olá Crowley:
Seu texto que segue transcristo precisa de algumas alterações:
I think that men feel pressured by society in general in order to lead.
Their responsibilities has been relacioned by positions of power and protect their family though.
I really don't think It's cool, because that situation building an oppressive sexist society that hang young boys.
It's necessary deconstruct these ideas.
-Como disse o PPAULO "think" logo de início dá uma conotação de informalidade, que em textos mais acadêmicos deve ser evitada;
-No caso de "pressured" talvez "under pressure" seja mais adequado tb como disse o PPAULO;
-"The responsabilities have been..." e não conforme constou por questão de concordância;
-Na terceira linha novamente "think" e "it's cool" reforçam a ideia de informalidade, mas, se essa era a intenção não há problemas aqui;
-"...because that situation building an oppressive sexist society that hang young boys.", texto um pouco confuso aqui e com nuances de português traduzido de maneira "direta" sem trazer a ideia para o idioma inglês. Talvez "the situation creates" ou "it/that develops" proporcionem melhor significado e coerência;
-"It's necessary deconstruct these ideas." Nesse trecho "deconstruct" soa muito formal em comparação com o resto do texto; o uso de "change" ou "transform" resolveria se caso você quisesse tornar o texto menos formal ou mais coerente com o inicio.

Enfim, como minha sugestão, assim como postou o Breckenfeld, a melhor opção é to "rewrite",isto é, reescrever o texto tornando-o mais natural, "palatável' e em conformidade com a norma (padrão) do idioma.
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I think (that) men feel pressed to lead/feel under pressure to lead.

But you might mean:
"I think men are (increasingly) under the pressure of the responsibility to lead." OR also "I think men the responsibility to lead is leaving men under the pressure".

Still, another context would be:
The men in leadership roles/positions today are increasingly pressed by the challenges and complexities of the contemporary organization.

You should omit "I think" if writing an academic text, outside that in informal ways it would be okay.

In my opinion/to my thinking/the way I see it, it´s not sensible to tip the scale of the balance towards taking a one-sided and sexist corporate policy. It should be avoided inbalance and exclusion regardless of gender, the discussion about performance expectations, corporate norms, and contribution to the organization.
The organizational policy should be more task-oriented, emphasis should be placed on the equal assessment of skills, strategies, teamwork involvement, and other factors should be the focus.
3 15 131
My suggestion:

Society takes a heavay toll on men as regards leadership roles.
They feel under pressure not only because of the positions of power they come to hold and the challenges they represent, but also because of the major concern to protect their families. It is unhealthy because it creates a sexit culture that ultimately punishes young men. Otherwise we live in a multi diverse society and team and genderwise work should be encouraged. These wrong and outdated assumptions must be debunked.
