Correção de frases "If he had won today"

1.If he had won today, he would be a most deserving winner.
2.If he had won today, he would have been a most deserving winner.
3.If he won today, he would be a most deserved winner.

Is there any mistake with this sentences? Why?


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1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Sem um contexto, a forma que considero mais coerente é:

"If he won today, he would be a most deserving winner.'' (forma correta)

As outras duas não estão incorretas;dentro de um contexto você vai ser entendido.

''If he had won today, he would be a most deserving winner.''
''If he had won today, he would have been a most deserving winner.''