Correção de mensagem para 'host family' em inglês

Gente, vou fazer um intercâmbio e preciso responder um e-mail a minha host family, mas estou morrendo de medo de ter algum erro ridículo !

Quem puder dar uma lida e comentar, agradeço muito !!!

Dear Mr and Mrs Baker,

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name ( ), I am ( ) years old. I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with my parents and sisters, I am the oldest one.

I really thank you for receiving me into your house. This exchange program is something that I've always wanted and I am very happy and excited for traveling to Oxford.

Well, I do not have my flight times yet. As soon as I get it, I will send to you.

Just for curiosity, is attached a recente photo of my family.

Yours faithfully.

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2 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Sugestões de correção:

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name ( ), I am ( ) years old. I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with my parents and sisters. I am the oldest one.

I really want to thank you for having me at your house. This exchange program is something that I've always wanted and I am very happy and excited for traveling to Oxford.

Well, I do not have my flight times yet. As soon as I get them, I will send them to you.

- Follow attached a recent photo of my family.
Eu sugiro:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Baker,

Thank you very much for allowing me to stay in your home. I really look foward to meeting you.

I always wanted to participate in this exchange programme. I am very happy and excited about travelling to Oxford. I, too, would love to see neighbouring Abingdon.

My name is ( ) and I am ( ) years old. I live with my parents and sisters in Sao Paulo, Brazil. My flights times have not been confirmed yet, but as soon as I receive the final details, I will inform you.

I attach a recent photograph of my family for you to see.

Yours sincerely,