Correção de música em inglês: "Everybody's saying...''

Olá! Estou praticando um pouco de inglês e resolvi escrever uma música. Vocês poderiam corrigi-la para mim? Obrigada!!!

Everybody´s saying that you´re here
But I know it´s not truth
And I don´t wanna lose this view anyway
Everybody´s saying that we´re gonna lose
But you can´t believe it
So, I still going on
I´m going to the place that we came from
We are part of the sky
Finally we´ll stand up
And we´ll walk again
So we´ll run ´til the sky get both of us
And we´ll fly like butterflys
That´s why we get the liberty
Better days are coming on
So go, go
Why would I change the pass?
I´m part of the sky
This is part of we´re gonna be
All my faith stands in the sky
let´s go / Take my hand / Just one more chance /´Cause the best is back

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3 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Algumas sugestões de correção dentro do que o contexto permite entender:

Everybody´s saying that you´re here
But I know it´s not true
And I don´t wanna lose this view anyway
Everybody´s saying that we´re gonna lose
But you can´t believe it
So, I'm still going on
I´m going to the place that we came from
We are part of the sky
Finally we´ll stand up
And we´ll walk again
So we´ll run ´til the sky gets to both of us
And we´ll fly like butterflies
That´s why we get the freedom
Better days are coming
So go, go
Why would I change the pass?
I´m part of the sky
This is part of we´re gonna be
All my faith stands in the sky
let´s go / Take my hand / Just one more chance /´Cause the best is back
Em relação à música acima, o correto é:

"I still going on" ou "I´m still going on"?

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Prefiro a forma "I'm still going on", soa mais natural.