Correção de redação 2ª

Redação para intercâmbio nos EUA sobre as 3 universidades de minha preferência.
Grato pela ajuda.

The Arizona State University is my first choice due to the similarity with my study profile in my university in Brazil. Another reason is that the University has a wide range of research experiences in my field of interest which would be very good for me to improve my knowledge about the biotechnology. The Arizona State University also has the capacity to promote several opportunities to take classes in modern laboratories and develop my skills.

My second choice is the University of Alabama. His big infrastructure and capacity to promote the advance of new technologies is a great differential.
Along with the possibility of offering activities aimed at academic areas that has not provided in my country would be very helpful for me.
The excellence of academic programs and national recognition is one of the reasons that made me to have the University of Alabama as one of my choices.

The Washington State University is my third option. My field of interest is the biotechnology applied in the food industry so, his studies about the food and agricultural are very interesting for me. Studying in this university would be an excellent preparation for graduate study in my country. Moreover, the familiar climate of his “residential campus” offers a great opportunity to an exchange student to adapt as best as possible.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Some help on writing a more concise text:

The Arizona State University is my first choice due to the similarity with my study profile in my University in Brazil. Another reason is that this University has a wide range of research opportunities in my field of interest, which would help to improve my knowledge and develop my skills about biotechnology in modern laboratories and take quality lectures and tutorials.

My second choice is the University of Alabama. Its advanced big infrastructure and capacity to promote the development of new technologies are great differentials, along with the possibility of offering activities aimed at academic areas that are not common in my country, would aid my career development.
The excellence of academic programs and national recognition of this University are some of the reasons for my choice.

The Washington State University is my third option. My field of interest is biotechnology applied to the food industry, so, its studies about food and agriculture are very interesting. Studying in this university would be an excellent preparation for my graduation. Moreover, the familiar climate of its “residential campus” offers a great opportunity for an exchange student to adapt successfully.