Correção de redação: The young x was my student

Estou precisando de ajuda para enviar uma breve redação onde teço considerações sobre uma aluna interessada em fazer uma estágio numa instituição irlandesa. Redigi o texto, mas tenho dúvidas se está claro e correto.
Agradeço se puderem me ajudar.

The young XXXXXXXXX was my student in two disciplines of the Psychology undergraduate course at the XXXXXX University of XXXXXX, São Paulo / Brazil: Interpersonal Development (1st Period of the Course - 1st semester / 2015) and Developmental Psychology (4th Period of the Course - 2nd semester / 2016).
These experiences at two distinct times in the course allow me to attest to their study and research skills independently as well as working in co-operation with their peers.
As a student, she had participated actively in class. Her ability to study independently and her vivid curiosity to know another country, to develop new experiences and to exchange the experiences already lived by her so far, make me strongly recommend her for the xxxxxx Community.

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1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Sugestões de melhoria para o texto:
The young XXXXXXXXX was my student in two disciplines of a Psychology undergraduate course at the XXXXXX University of XXXXXX, São Paulo / Brazil: Interpersonal Development (1st Period of the Course - 1st semester / 2015) and Developmental Psychology (4th Period of the Course - 2nd semester / 2016).
The experience she acquired in the course makes her qualified, and she can work on her own as well as in co-operation with her peers.
As a student, she participated actively in class. Her ability to study independently and her interest to get to know other countries, to develop new experiences and to exchange the experiences she has had so far, allow me to strongly recommend her for the xxxxxx Community.