Correção de review of a Game demo

Hi folks.

I made a review of game demo on steam and I want to write it in English.

My opinion to developer.

The graphic game are excellent, the history seems to be really good.
But a have some doubts about the mix of things that turn the game seems to be in hard mode,
He's freezing and heating too easy, when the battery is depleted he's practically condemned
To death and, of course, add to it enemies. A think the battery is a big problem, people will get in
Trouble with they lost too much time in the quests, with the battery discharged he cannot eat or drink, its not fair.
Maybe if the game is not too long, its not a great problem, but if is was, people could be find them
Selves a little frustrate.

The game needs check point and more saves, it would be good.
Well, I played I think 3 or 4 hours and this is my first impression but I have to play more and
I will let you now my next impression.

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Some corrections:

The graphic game is excellent, the history seems to be really good, but a have some doubts about the mix of things that turns the game into hard mode.

It's freezing and heating easily, when the battery is flat it's practically condemned to death and, of course, add enemies to it. I think the battery has a big problem.

People will get in trouble with too much time lost in quests. When the battery is flat the character cannot eat or drink, it's not fair.

Maybe if the game weren't so long, it wouldn't be a problem, but as it is, people can find themselves a little frustrated.

It would be ideal if the game could have some checkpoints and more saves.

Well, I played it for about 3 to 4 hours and this is my initial impression, but when I play some more I will let you know of any further opinions.

(Tip: get a spare battery)
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Thank you.
