Correção de Texto: A Brief Game Review - The Last of Us

Eu fiz um texto e gostaria que ele fosse revisado, mas algumas palavras nele podem soar estranhas para quem não entende de videogames, por isso eu vou fazer um simples e curto "vocabulário":

1 - na*ghty Dog: uma das empresas que faz jogos.
2 - Franchises: um conjunto de jogos que segue uma sequência, cada jogo pode ter uma sequência, assim como em filmes, exemplo: Fast and Furious 1, Fast and Furious 2 (filmes) e Uncharted 1, Uncharted 2 (jogos).
3 - Generation: conjunto de consoles de videogames lançados na mesma época, com um curto intervalo de tempo entre eles.
4 - Developer: desenvolvedora, a empresa que produz os jogos.
5 - Engine: software usado para criar jogos e também executá-los em suas plataformas (consoles ou PC).

A Brief Game Review - The Last of Us

na*ghty Dog is recognized for its franchises since the first Playstation generation. Earning notoriety with Crash Bandicoot, the company became an only one game developer, leaving behind Crash Bandicoot to continue with Jak, and afterward with Uncharted. Mainly because Uncharted is one of the most lucrative franchises of Playstation 3, everyone was surprised when the developer announced that their team are moving on and creating a whole new world.

The Last of Us incorporates a modern theme—the viral apocalypse—and show it in a completely different way, with the awarded engine of Nathan Drake’s games, however immersing in a Survival Horror style. The story of Joel and Ellie show a completely devastated world where still have space for mankind.

Saving resources, stealth, intelligence on the building of equipments and compassion—but only when it’s needed—will be your weapons in this end of the world that can be considered one of the best 2013 games. It’s a game that makes the player feel the emotions and think deeply about the whole situation. A type of experience rarely shown in a video game, and that lefts an outstanding question: who, indeed, ended up with the human race, the infection or ourselves?

Thank you!

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A Brief Game Review - The Last of Us

na*ghty Dog is recognized for its franchises since the first Playstation generation. Earning notoriety with Crash Bandicoot, the company became an only one game developer, leaving behind Crash Bandicoot to continue with Jak, and afterwards with Uncharted, mainly because Uncharted is one of the most lucrative franchises of Playstation 3. Everyone was surprised when the developer announced that their team were moving on and creating a whole new world.

The Last of Us incorporates a modern theme—the Viral Apocalypse—and shows it in a completely different way, with the awarded engine of Nathan Drake’s games, however immersing in a Survival Horror style. The story of Joel and Ellie shows a completely devastated world where there's still space for mankind.

Saving resources, stealth, intelligence on the building of the equipment and compassion, but only when needed, will be your weapons in this end of the world that can be considered one of the best 2013 games. It’s a game that makes the player feel emotions and think deeply about the whole situation. A type of experience rarely shown in a video game, and that leaves an outstanding question "Who, indeed, ended up with the human race, the infection or ourselves?".