Correção de texto: A little about Me

Hello everyone! My name is Paulo, I’m 20 years old and I’m learning english since I was 14. I’ve started study English basically watching tv shows and reading a few books that I like It. I’m also addicted in sports, I enjoy basketball, hockey, baseball and football (not soccer). I almost forgot to say how much music helped me to improve my skills in english, I use to listen music from different countries like USA, England, Ireland and Australia; It helps me a lot to understand some accents that I don’t listen too much. I hope one day be able to speak fluently English and Have the opportunity to study and work abroad.

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
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Hi Paulo!

Minha pequena sugestão:

My name is Paulo, I’m 20 years old and I’m learning I have learned/I have been studying English since I was 14. I’ve started studying English basically watching TV shows and reading a few books that I like It **(correct if you mean I liked English because of what I just said). I’m also addicted in to sports, I enjoy basketball, hockey, baseball and football (not soccer). I almost forgot to say how much music helped me to improve my skills in english English skills, I use to listen music I used to listen to music **(if it was in the past) // or I used to listening to... **(if it still happens) from different countries like USA, England, Ireland and Australia; It helps me a lot to understand some accents that I (often) don’t listen to too much **(meaning = demais está OK, se não for essa a intenção elimine essa parte). I hope one day I (will) be able to speak English fluently English and have the opportunity to study and work abroad.


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Olá Paulo e um olá especial a meu amigo cinnamon.

Fiquei em dúvida com relação a correção do texto em alguns trechos que destaco abaixo:

I’ve started (acho que o passado simples seria uma melhor opção) studying English basically watching TV shows and reading a few books that I like It (não vejo a necessidade do IT)

I used to listening to... **(if it still happens) from different countries like USA, England, Ireland and Australia; (neste trecho faltou o verbo "am"... I am used to listening to...

I hope one day I (will) be able to speak English fluently English and have the opportunity to study and work abroad. (acho que usaria could, may ou might, já que são suposições sobre o futuro)

Gostaria de ouvir suas observações Cinnamon, tenho aprendido muito com vc.

16 60 498
Hey Guys!

In fact, you're absolutely right P.Henrique the correct structure is:

To be + used to + main verb (ing-present participle)

Quanto ao passado em "I am learning..." concordo que encaixaria tb, só o continuous é que não funciona conforme o texto original no post do início. Ficou meio aportuguesado. ;)

Por fim, concordo que o "it" não é necessário, mas não entendi exatamente o que o colega quis dizer, se foi por conta de gostar de algumas atividades que ele passou a gostar do inglês. Caso contrário realmente o "it" deve ser deixado de lado.

