Correção de Texto: About the brazilian soccer team.

Could someone revise my text?

"When the brazilian soccer team has became so poor? Do you remember of the teams from 94, 98, 02 and 06? Even when we don't won the world cup, our team inspired respect, but now we don't have another good player excluding Neymar Jr.
There is a play against Argentina tomorrow and I didn't even know. Most of brazilian fans lost their interest on the national team. And this is sad.
I expect the brazilian team better, so we'll have pleasure to watch them play again."

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23 127 1.7k
A forma correta é "Why has (...) become"?
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
23 127 1.7k
"Why has the Brazilian national soccer team become so poor? Do you remember the teams from 94, 98, 02 and 06? Even when we couldn't win the World Cup, our team inspired respect, but now we don't have any good players but Neymar Jr.
There is a game against Argentina tomorrow and I am afraid of what will happen. Most Brazilian fans have lost their interest in the national team. And that is sad.
I expect the Brazilian team gets better, so we'll have pleasure in watching them play again."
Bons estudos.
Thanks Donay, but I have a question.
Could be "Why has (...) became"? Or the correct is "Why has (...) become"?

Thank you once again.