Correção de texto: Bad Day

Bad Day

One of the worst experiences I've had in my life happened a few years ago. It was one of those days that everything went wrong. It was Easter time and always on festive dates I travel to my hometown to celebrate with my family. But that day I missed the bus that I had bought the ticket days before. The bus station was very busy and I spent all morning to buy a new ticket. After much waiting, I only got to travel at night. To my bad luck, again, I took the wrong bus and traveled halfway standing. And to complete that worst day, the bus suffered an armed robbery. I lost all my money, my watch and a cell phone I just bought. But thank God no one was hurt, though.

Dia Ruim

Uma das piores experiências que eu tive na minha vida aconteceu há alguns anos atras. Foi um daqueles dias que tudo deu errado. Era época da Páscoa e sempre em datas festivas eu viajo para a minha cidade natal pra comemorar com a minha família. Porém naquele dia eu perdi o ônibus que eu havia comprado a passagem dias antes. A rodoviária estava muito movimentada e gastei a manhã inteira pra comprar uma nova passagem. Depois de muita espera, só consegui viajar a noite. Para o meu azar, novamente, peguei o onibus errado e viajei metade do trajeto em pé. E pra completar aquele péssimo dia, o onibus sofreu um assalto a mão armada. Perdi todo meu dinheiro, relógio e um celular recem comprado. Mas Graças a Deus ninguém se feriu, apesar de tudo.

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Some textual changes for clearer reading:

A Bad Day

One of the worst experiences that I've had in my life happened a few years ago. It was one of those days when everything seems to go wrong. It was Easter and, during festive times, I always travel to my hometown to celebrate with my family. Unfortunately, that day I missed the bus that, a few days before, I'd purchased the ticket. The bus station was very busy and I spent all morning trying to buy/purchase a new one because of the queues. After a long delay, I managed to travel during the evening, but bad luck struck again, I caught the wrong bus and travelled half the journey standing. To make matters worse, the bus suffered an armed robbery. All my money, watch, and my new mobile phone which I had just bought were stolen, although Thank God no one was hurt.