Correção de texto: Confidence trick

2 8 111
Police is insvestigating a case of confidence trick. According to neighbors, a man which name was not revelled is trying to sell phony concert ticket to an event tha is taking place in the city. The real tickets was being sold for 10 reals and is now sold out. The suspect was charging 5 reals for the fake tickets. The man was caught by police and taken to police station to provide his statements. No witnessess provided their testemony yet.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
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Andrezza, my corrections and changes to your text are shown below:

Police is insvestigating a case of confidence trick. According to neighbors, a man, whose name was not revealed, was trying to sell phoney concert tickets for an event that will take place in the city. The real tickets were being sold for 10 reais and are now sold out. The suspect was charging 5 reais for the fake tickets. The man was caught (or arrested) by police and taken to the police station to provide a statement. No witnessess provided their testimonies yet.