Correção de texto em inglês: Late again

When I was in the high school, I had to get a bus to school. However, the bus sometimes got late and I arrive late to school. The problem is that at the school door used to stay a school employer who used to prevent late students to go to the class until the first class finish. One day I had to present an assignment to the teacher and this guy decides definitly to prevent late students to get into. He sent every late student back to home. I did not have choice. I had to wait he becomes distracted and I entered hidden inside school.

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Telma Regina 9 65 608
Sugestão de correção:

When I was in High School, I went to school by bus. However, the bus sometimes was late and I arrived late at school. The problem is that at the school entrance door, there was a supervisor who stopped late students from getting into the school until the first class finished. One day I had to do a presentation to the teacher and that guy decided definitely to prevent late students from getting in. He sent every late student back home. I did not have a choice. I had to wait for him to be distracted and I sneaked inside school.
Thanks Telma Regina! :-)