Correção de texto falando sobre a memória

Our memory is extremely powerful. We can memorize many things, for example: special or commemoratives dates, math formulas, we can make calculations, memorize speeches, among other amazing things. However for this must train it becouse a trained memory becomes our best friend, but the question is: How to train our memory? It's simple. Every subject that we are studying must be put into practice so that our minds can absorb as much learning. The memory is a great ally but if not trained, it becomes our worst enemy. As in this case:
Mary: John, Did you go to the doctor yesterday?
John: Oh! No. I didn't remember.
Mary: Have you studied for the exam?
John: What exam?
Mary: Oh My God! Tomorrow you will have an english exam.
John: I forgot!
Mary: John, you have a bad memory.

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
4 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Algumas sugestões de correção:
Our memory is extremely powerful. We can memorize many things, for example: special or commemorative dates, math formulas, we can do calculations, memorize speeches, among other amazing things. However, you must train hard because a trained memory is our best friend, but the question is: How to train our memory? It's simple. Every subject that we are studying must be put into practice so that our minds can absorb as much learning as possible. The memory is a great ally but if not trained, it is our worst enemy. As in this case:
Mary: John, Did you go to the doctor yesterday?
John: Oh! No. I didn't remember it.
Mary: Have you studied for the exam?
John: What exam?
Mary: Oh My God! Tomorrow you will have an English exam.
John: I forgot!
Mary: John, you have a bad memory.
Marlon X19 5 16
PPAULO escreveu:Ha ha ha, Adriana. This reminds me of a guy that lives in UK, if memory serves me well he is 50 y.o. right now, or older. The guy rememberS every single day of his life (after the age of four, I think) and many major events that happened along with the exact date it took place.

He is host of a talk show in a UK radio, and listeners call him to know what happened in a given day. Speak Up interviewed him, and asked if he never forget his keys or something. He said he did, but he knows exactly in wich day it happened!

Hehe yeah I think I've already watched some interviews about people who have this kind of skill, by the way, I think one of the interviews I watched is exactly about this guy. Well, I wish I had such a good memory :lol:
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Ha ha ha, Adriana. This reminds me of a guy that lives in UK, if memory serves me well he is 50 y.o. right now, or older. The guy remember every single day of his life (after the age of four, I think) and many major events that happened along with the exact date it took place.

He is host of a talk show in a UK radio, and listeners call him to know what happened in a given day. Speak Up interviewed him, and asked if he never forget his keys or something. He said he did, but he knows exactly in wich day it happened!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Ha ha, me too. Thanks for your taking, and for adding that "S" I had chowed down on it, he he.