Correção de texto: ''Family get-together''

Alguém poderia me ajudar arrumando alguns possíveis erros nesta redação?

The get-together in my family is normal and simple but very cool and usually happens on Christmas or New Year`s Day. Every year is the same thing, we travel to Bombas beach and spend a few days there celebrating the end of the year, the holidays and the New Year that will come. We rent a big house to fit the whole family and each one make yourself at home. My grandfather, my father and my uncles always stay outside having a barbecue, playing cards and drinking a lot of beer. My old cousins and I usually stay in the TV room taking care of the kids, because they usually keeps bothering every people and it`s boring. My mother and my aunts stay in the kitchen fixing the lunch, washing the dishes and sometimes cleaning the house with my cousins and my help. After the lunch we have the tradition that we do one secret friend and give gifts for celebrating our union.
Sometimes there is a person that is a party pooper, this usually happens when one of my uncles get drunk or my young cousins behaving so insupportable, and then, some discussion can happen. However, this is not common.
At the end of 2018, we are planning to do one different travel, like for other beaches or other places in Brazil. Therefore, I hope that our get-together in the next year will be so cool and unforgettable.

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The get-together in my family is normal and simple but very cool and usually happens on Christmas or New Year`s Day. Every year is the same thing, we travel to Bombas beach and spend a few days there celebrating the end of the year, the holidays and the New Year that will come. We rent a big house to fit the whole family and each one make yourself at home. My grandfather, my father and my uncles always stay outside having a barbecue, playing cards and drinking a lot of beer. My old cousins and I usually stay in the TV room taking care of the kids, because they usually keeps bothering every people and it`s boring. My mother and my aunts stay in the kitchen fixing the lunch, washing the dishes and sometimes cleaning the house with my cousins and my help. After the lunch we have the tradition that we do one secret friend and give gifts for celebrating our union.
Sometimes there is a person that is a party pooper, this usually happens when one of my uncles get drunk or my young cousins behaving so insupportable, and then, some discussion can happen. However, this is not common.
At the end of 2018, we are planning to do one different travel, like for other beaches or other places in Brazil. Therefore, I hope that our get-together in the next year will be so cool and unforgettable.

Well, marquei como "in bold" sugestões minhas e "in bold + itálico" algumas incorreções:

"Normal" talvez não seja a melhor opção, veja o oposto é anormal, incomum.
Usual, typical, or just simple could be better.

"to fit" maybe to join the whole family.

"to make oneself" see: yourself refers to "you" not "them"
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
16 60 498

"After Lunch" not the lunch.

"Insupportable" can be replaced by the adverb "Unbearably" (just an opinion OK)

"Discussion", maybe you meant "argument".

"Travel" could be "trip".

"Therefore" is formal English, your piece of writing is not too formal.

In the next or just next. By the way I would write "...our next get-together".

Sorry I meant "in bold + italic", my mistake.
