Correção de texto: Gramado and Canela

Canela is one of the most visited tourist spots visited of Rio Grande do Sul, and this is due to some peculiar caracteristics.
I spend two days of my vacation of winter strolling at Canela and Gramado. These cities are very interesting,they have many parks and fun places,two examples are the Black Lake(at Gramado) and Park of the Snail(Canela).
Canela has many other places interesting that give us an impression very nice, because when we are these places,we feel a good sensation.
Other fact interesting is that Gramado is a local tath have many natural places, and this is something very nice.
Gramado is a city with caracteristics as natural as urban, these qualities are very important to attract more and more visitors.
I liked it very much of visit Canela and Gramado,and I plan to go again in the next Year.

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2 respostas
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Artful Dodger 6 14 102
Canela is one of the most visited touristic spots in Rio Grande do Sul and this is due to some peculiar characteristics.
I spend two days of my winter vacation strolling in Canela and Gramado. These cities are very interesting,they have many parks and fun places; two examples are the Black Lake (in Gramado) and the Snail Park (Canela).
Canela has many other interesting places that give us a very nice impression, because when we are in such places, we feel good.
Another interesting fact is that Gramado is a local that has many natural places, which is very nice.
Gramado is a city with both natural and urban characteristics; these qualities are very important to attract more and more visitors. I liked very much my visit to Canela and Gramado, and I plan to visit them again next year.
Juliana Rios 24 105 397
Just a side note:

"Tourist spot" and "tourist attraction" are fairly common ways of referring to places of considerable interest in an area. These might include beaches, parks, buildings, monuments, museums, bridges and so on. A city that attracts a large number of visitors is often called a "tourist destination". I'm more inclined to think of a tourist spot as a place inside a city or town.

A "local" is a person who lives in a place, but not a place. However, it's possible to use "local" as an adjective to refer to a place.