Correção de texto: Harry Potter

I guess that it is very hard to find someone who doesn't know about the saga Harry Potter, don’t matter if you like it or not, you probably know it. It is a famous show which I had the pleasure of growing up watching and following the movies and waiting anxiously for the next movies ones, Harry potter is about wizards and witches students who are learning magic at one school called Hogwarts. Hogwarts is an ancient castle where the magic learners are hosted, there are some magic creatures like giant spiders, werewolves, dementors, etc. What really impress me are the stories of each movie, it’s not just a movie, there are much of histories and studies and it is hard to believe that everything was just invented by somebody. The saga Harry potter was part of my whole childhood, I even pretended that I had one magical wand when I was a kid, now I just watch these movies for old times sake. I am very sorry for alan rickman, he was a great actor, without doubt about it.

Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
2 respostas
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gian2hard 1 7 52
Here's my humble and friendly revision

I guess it's very hard to find someone who doesn't know about the Harry Potter saga, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not, you've probably heard of it. It's a famous show in which I had the pleasure of growing up watching, following, and waiting anxiously for the next movie to come out. Harry potter is about wizards and witch students who are learning magic at Hogwarts' magic school. Hogwarts is an ancient castle where the students are hosted, there are some magic creatures like giant spiders, werewolves, dementors, etc. However, what really impress me is the movie's plot, it's not just a movie, there is a lot history in it, and a lot of study that goes into it in order for the writes to write up the script; it's hard to believe that everything was just invented by someone. The Harry Potter saga was part of my whole childhood, I even pretended I had a magical wand when I was a kid, now I just watch it for old times sake. I am very sorry for Alan Rickman, he was a great actor, no doubt about it.


I've noticed some inconsistencies in your writings, they are mainly to do with style, for example, if you start off with IT IS, make sure you stick with this usage throughout the entire text, don't mix both the contracted form IT'S and IT IS, unless you want to emphasize something, e.g., IT IS true, though. The same applies for YOU ARE, YOU'RE etc. I do that myself, it's a terrible habit :P This is just my personal opinion though.

"I had one magical wand" should be "I had a magical wand". ONE emphasizes how many magic wands you had. However, most of the time what you want is the article A, and not to put emphasis on quantity. Having said that, I'd suggest you to pay attention whenever you decide to use the word ONE, check it twice and see if you might be able to replace it by the article A.

"watching and following the movies and waiting" - Avoid repetition if possible, whenever you've got two or more consecutive ANDs in once sentence, think how you could re write the sentence so as to have only one AND, like so. [ I had the pleasure of growing up watching, following, and waiting anxiously for the next movie to come out]
I don't know your name, but I thank so bad to thank you, after all, besides you corrected me you also gave ne some tips, do you know what I did ? I searched for some vídeos of EngVid explaining how I can emphasize my point, and the other things that you said I will take it in consideration too, I just must remember that, and I will, I learned so much with just one correction, you are great, I loved all of that, I hope something wonderful happens to you and your career.