Correção de Texto: How to lose weight without...

How to lose weight without losing your mind

First, create the habit to do exercices everyday. Reserve at least 45 minutes for physical exercises. It's not necessary starting a gym, buying miracle exercises machines or doing very strong exercises. Just a walk around the neigborhood should be sufficient.

Second, learn eating few quantities of food, but many times a day. It's recommended 6 meals by day. You can eat what you want, but control the quantities. Eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce the quantities of fried foods and sweeties.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Some suggestions for you:

How to lose weight without losing your mind

First, create the habit to do exercices of exercising every day. Reserve at least 45 minutes for physical exercise. It's not necessary starting to start a gym, to buying miracle exercises machines or to doing very strong strenuous exercises. Just a regular walk around the neigborhood should be sufficient.

Second, learn eatingto eat few quantities small amounts of food, but many times a day. It's recommended 6 six meals by a day. You can eat whatever you want, but control the quantityies. Eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce the quantities amount of fried foods and sweetsies.