Correção de texto "I chose some blogs to read"

Olá, amigos do fórum!
Preciso de uma ajudinha de vocês.
Vou mandar uma resposta pra uma pessoa, mas preciso saber onde estou errando (gramática/concordância/etc).

Aí está:
"First of all, I'm sorry about my grammar mistakes (I'm totally embarrassed!). As you can see, my english is terrible, I really need some classes (or a lot of), but everything I've learned so far I did as self-taught. Then I promise I will improve it. Deal?

I chose some blogs to read/follow; blogs who had subjects about music and stuff, so guess what? I found yours.
I really like how you write. Yes, what you write about is awesome. When I start reading a post I can´t stop until I have finished it.

I sincerily loved your answers. Sorry about the boyfriend/dating-related question. That was a very silly thing to ask.

YES, I'm from elsewhere! haha! Being more specific, I'm from Brazil! You've said that's hot there, but you don't know how hot is here when it's summer. well it's winter here now, then the weather is like London - at least here in my city.
It's always cloud and rainy, temperature about 15°C."

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2 respostas
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Flavia.lm 1 10 100
English - always capital letter
...blogs that have subjects about music... --> use "who" apenas para se referir à pessoas. e troque "had" por "have" hot IT is when it's summer.

Sei que só pediu revisão do texto, mas vou ser meio intrometida :) : não se desculpe tanto, nem se diminua desta forma, dizendo que seu inglês é "terrible". Por sinal, vc escreveu muitíssimo bem, está bem longe de terrible ou qquer coisa parecida.

bons estudos!
Obrigado pela ajuda, Flávia!
Você não foi intrometida de forma nenhuma, seguirei o seu conselho. ;)
Obrigado novamente!