Correção de texto: "I have no doubt about nature's power over me...''

Boa tarde pessoal, estou tentado traduzir um textinho para o inglês mais não sei se está certo

"I have no doubt about nature's power over me. When I manage to connect with her, I feel that I also connect with my most true essence. It is in nature that I discover who I am and have everything I need. It's the fairest exchange I've ever known."

"Não tenho dúvidas sobre o poder da natureza sobre mim. Quando consigo me conectar com ela, sinto que também me conecto com minha essência mais verdadeira. É na natureza que descubro quem sou e tenho tudo de que preciso. É a troca mais justa que já conheci."

Se puderem me ajudar dando una conferida agraceço.

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5 respostas
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Redseahorse 4 36 579

"I have no doubt about nature's power over me. When I manage to connect with her, I feel that I also connect with my TRUEST essence. It is in nature WHERE I UNDERSTAND who I am, and WHERE I have everything THAT I need. It's the fairest exchange THAT I've ever known."

Eu consideraria substituir DESCUBRO por ENTENDO, em ambas as línguas, se o caso!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Here´s my ideas. Not a correction per se, but my two cent´s worth, just the same.

There's no doubt that nature exerts some kind of power over me. When I am able to connect with nature, it brings me closer to my very core essence. It's spending time in nature that I discover who I am and have everything I need.
Indeed the most revealing moment, since it enables us to connect, explore and be my most present authentic self

Seeing nature in its purest form helps us to see ourselves in our purest form. - (by Casey Thoma. )

[1] My choice of words here, but “troca” would be a difficult concept to put in a single word.
Troca – could be a “trade-off” if you think somebody goes to nature with you but he/she is from a urban background and went there with you by insistence.
Troca – could be an interaction between you and the nature itself.

Troca – not a synonym, but we could change the word to “reciprocal relationship”, or perhaps ‘reciprocity” would be a good word. Obviously, the sentence we had in Portuguese would be redone from scratch into something else.
Leonardo96 19 293
Redseahorse escreveu: 22 Set 2020, 20:11 Sugestões:

"I have no doubt about nature's power over me. When I manage to connect with her, I feel that I also connect with my TRUEST essence. It is in nature WHERE I UNDERSTAND who I am, and WHERE I have everything THAT I need. It's the fairest exchange THAT I've ever known."

Eu consideraria substituir DESCUBRO por ENTENDO, em ambas as línguas, se o caso!
I do like that you suggested "truest" over "most true" and "where" over "that", but those two "that" at the end aren't exactly necessary. In fact most people would refrain from using it in such sentences. So not using "that" in those sentences is neither gramatically incorrect or less native-like or natural.
Gente muito obrigado pelas sugestōes! Gratidão!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Thanks for the feedback, and feel free to come for more. :-)
Glad that I could help.