Correção de texto: I'm not getting better

As I said before, I'm into a Major depression and I can't even find reasons to try again. I'm over trying... for now.

I know it's just the beginig, I haven't started my treatment with antidepressants yet. However, I'm too afraid because I know some of the collateral effects, and one of those are deep drowsiness and jitters.

At least, some new things happened in my life like I have good notebook now so I can study on EE harder.

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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6 49 1.3k
As I said before, I'm into a major depression and I can't even find reasons to try again. I'm over trying... For now.

I know it's just the beginning, I haven't started my treatment with antidepressants yet. However, I'm too afraid because I know some of the collateral effects, and one of those are deep drowsiness and jitters.

At least, some new things happened in my life like I have a good notebook now so I can study harder on EE.

As in your previous posting, the advice from Ana still holds, all of her suggestions are good and proper.
Plus, you are very young, life has plenty of pleasant surprises, ups and downs, experiences, fights, fullfilment, dreams, new friends, knowing places, and mainly learning.
Perhaps is about time to try some routine, a daily and a weekly schedule, so you can do everything you need and don´t feel overpowered by responsibilities and seriousness of an adult life that you perceives as being around the corner.
Don´t think anybody is out to get you, make friends, enjoy life and steer clear of people that your instincts don´t recommend.
Obviously keep yourself busy, make the most of your time, studying, working, participating of your family life.
If necessary see a doctor, one that prescribe a light medication, not a strong one. Perhaps you need some time to relax and meditation, yoga, swimming, running, and sportive activities or even reading would do good to your health.
And don´t be so hard on you, sometimes, give yourself some leeway, there are times that we just need to have a time to ourselves, with and in the middle of nature, traveling, dropping by a friends´(house) just to chat, etc.
Try to find a group of wich you think you can belong, church, community groups, family, charity, a sport team, a group of buddies and acquaintances etc.
Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
6 49 1.3k
Ah, beware of not divulging much personal information, remember that this is a open Forum and everyone can read your posts, and if you reveal much of your life it may come back to haunt you in the future. More so in some towns, where everyone knows each other. So, in Forums, the best policy is to talk about what one can talk freely at the streets.
See you again. ;)