Correção de texto "I'm studying English..."

Amigos, estou estudando inglês sozinho pela internet a pouco tempo e resolvi escrever um texto com tudo que estou aprendendo.
Por favor vejam se há algum erro gramatical.

I'm studing english.
I don't speak english very well but i believe i will talk very well.
The problem when you talk very fast. When you talk very fast I dont understand nothing. But this is good because when you talk very fast i need to listen with more attention. But dont's easy.
I'm happy because i see progress in my english, in little time.
The secret is talk, right?
The secret is Speak english every day. Every hour, always.
I want do a interchange in Canada or Unites States, because this interchange is one excelent opportunity for my future.
Then, i need learning english very well.
Next year i will study in CCAA, and i'm very happy.

Do you go in church today? I want to go in Church.
After church let's go in pizzaria?
After Church i'd like something for eat. I'm hungry.

I have two jobs, operator of monitoring and teacher of guitar and piano.
What time is it? I have to go working now.

God bless

Faça um teste de inglês e descubra seu nível em 10 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. Você ainda ganha o eBook sobre o Verbo Get em seu e-mail. INICIAR TESTE
1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Algumas sugestões de correção onde o contexto permite avaliar:
I'm studying English.
I don't speak English very well but I believe I speak it very well.
The problem when you talk very fast. When you talk very fast I don't understand anything. But this is good because when you talk very fast I need to listen with more attention. But it isn't easy.
I'm happy because I see progress in my English, in little time.
The secret is to talk, right?
The secret is to speak English every day. Every hour, always.
I want do an exchange program in Canada or Unites States, because this is an excelent opportunity for my future career.
Then, I need to learn English very well.
Next year I will study in CCAA, and I'm very happy.

Do you go to church today? I want to go to church.
After church, I think we could go to a pizzaria.

After church I'd like something to eat. I'm hungry.

What time is it? I have to go to work now.