Correção de texto: I was hoping once you...

Texto original:
"I was hoping once you read the letter, you'd get it, you'd realize how much I needed those silly things you were stealing from me. But I guess I wasn't even worth a reaction."

Minha tradução:
"Eu esperava que, uma vez que você lesse a carta, você entenderia, você perceberia o quanto eu precisava daquelas coisas bobas que você estava roubando de mim. Mas eu acho que eu nem merecia uma reação."

O que há de errado?
Thanks for everything ;)

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I was hoping once you read the letter, you'd get it, you'd realize how much I needed those silly things you were stealing from me, but I guess I didn't even deserve a reaction.
Bruno Taboada escreveu:I was hoping once you had read the letter, you'd get it, you'd realize how much I needed those silly things you were stealing from me, but I guess I didn't even deserve a reaction.
A correção era para a tradução hahah
O título da pergunta foi modificado.
Era "Correção de tradução de texto".
Acho que a sua tradução está perfeita, Gabriel!