Correção de texto: insomnia

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People with insomnia can aften be tired and with bad humor. Many adults have insomnia any time of theis life, but some people have a cronic insomnia, witch can last a longer period than the normal. The insomnia can also be a secundary disorder, as an ilness or a misuse of medication.

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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People with insomnia can aften be tired and with bad humor. Many adults have insomnia any time of theis life, but some people have a cronic insomnia, witch can last a longer period than the normal. The insomnia can also be a secundary disorder, as an ilness or a misuse of medication.


People with insomnia can often be tired and in a bad humor. Many adults have insomnia at some time of their life, but some people have a chronic insomnia, which can last a longer period of time than the normal. The insomnia can also be a secondary disorder, associated with an illness or a misuse of medicines/medication errors.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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About the chunk:
The insomnia can also be a secondary disorder, associated with an illness or a misuse of medicines/medication errors.

I would suggest the following alternative way - it´s just another suggestion, though.
It can also be a secondary disorder, associated with an illness, erroneous prescription or even when used correctly (but without medical supervision). One such example of the latter is when someone uses another person's prescription.

Erroneus prescription - when a doctor erroneusly precribes some kind of medicine.