Correção de texto: It has been seven years

Marcelo Pias 1 2 14
Já se passaram sete anos desde o meu primeiro artigo aqui no EE. Nem de longe eu poderia imaginar, naquela tarde de sexta-feira de 13 de outubro de 2006, que o blog que eu havia acabado de criar iria mudar completamente a minha vida.

A propósito, 2006 foi um ano interessante. Eu já havia me formado na faculdade, estava pensando em fazer uma pós, gostava do meu trabalho, mas mesmo assim, estava me sentindo estagnado. A única atividade que realmente me dava prazer, era estudar inglês e eu usava isso como uma válvula de escape.
It has been seven years since my first article was published here on EE. I could not really imagine, that in that friday afternoon, 13/08/06, the blog I had just created would change my life completely.
By the way, 2006 was a interesting year. Back then I was graduated and I was thinking to (fazer uma pós), I liked my job, but even though, I was feeling ESTAGNADO. Studying English was the only activity that really gave me pleasure and I used it to FEEL RELAXED !

Traduzi o trecho públicado recentemente aqui no EE, ainda sou intermediário, tem muitos erros eu sei, mas to aprendendo muito assim!!!

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
11 respostas
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Juliana Rios 24 105 397
Olá Marcelo! Pouco (ou nada) a corrigir. Abaixo as sugestões para traduzir as partes destacadas.

It has been seven years since my first article was published here on EE. I could not imagine that in that Friday afternoon, 08/13/06, the blog I had created would change my life completely. By the way, 2006 was an interesting year. Back then (não é errado, mas eu deixaria de fora por ser redundante) I'd graduated from college and I was thinking about going to graduate school/pursuing a graduate degree. I liked my job, but even so, I felt as if I was stuck in a rut. Studying English was the only activity that really gave me pleasure and I used it as a way to relax.

Excelente trabalho. Até!
Marcelo Pias 1 2 14
It encourages me to go on !
Thank you very much!
Juliana Rios 24 105 397
De nada, Marcelo. Eu suspeito que, em pouco tempo, você estará corrigindo textos também.

Por sinal, esqueci de destacar o "so" em "even so". "Even though" significa "apesar de" e necessariamente precede uma oração. Por exemplo:

I liked my job, but even so, I was feeling...
Even though I liked my job, I was feeling...
I liked my job, but even though, I was feeling...
Marcelo Pias 1 2 14
I hope so, I've been studying English very hard ! :D
and I got your explanation, thanks again!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I could not **realize/imagine that in that Friday´s afternoon.

realize – preffered in American/Canadian English, over the British “realise” (and outside North American English. Anyway, you could be understood in both ways.

Usually, Friday morning if we refer to a generic Friday. However when it goes with “that”, which makes it a particular Friday morning, it turns into “that Friday´s morning”. At least it´s what I gather by crawling within Google hits.

...that in that friday afternoon, 13/08/06, the blog I had just created would change my life completely.

I would keep that chunk intact as it was. To my thinking it conveys better the idea of “que...o blog que eu havia acabado de criar”. “Just” really do the trick there.
The other way also would do, but that way would reinforce/emphasize that he had really started the blog very recently, at the time. I may be mistaken, but I think so, till proven otherwise. The matter remains open to further discussion.

Congrats Marcelo, we can see that you are doing your better, it´s that we are a bit of "detailbusters" (paraphrasing "ghostbusters", LOL.)

I don´t know if will interest you, but I am leaving the following reading anyway.
Maybe someday it comes in handy. ... ofreading/
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
Marcelo Pias 1 2 14
Thank you PAULO... I'm really learning a lot with you all!!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I can see, and sometime from now you will be teaching me, believe it. What will be a source of pride to me and to all of us. ;)
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
One thing more I learned afterwards.
I took the liberty of posting the question to re-proof on another Forum, to English natives and they found something I had, on haste, forgotten. Preposition usage.

Here verbatim, the preposition grammar point that had passed through our sieve/sifter.

The preposition 'in' should be deleted and the preposition 'on' should be inserted. We often refer to 'in the afternoon' when it is in the future. Most often when referring to past events in contexts such as this we say 'on the afternoon'.

This usage of preposition would be the British one, I think that it also applies to American use as well, comments are welcome.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Now my mistake, again, another point a guy (also a native) made.
I am posting it verbatim, so you all all will see that I can make mistakes as well, he he. And I make them all the time. :o

It's "I could not imagine on that Friday afternoon, long ago and far away,---------". The combination 'Friday afternoon' is an interval of time. They go together. You can consider 'Friday' as an adjective.

Would you say "On next Tuesday's morning we'll go to the ball game"? "On next Wednesday's afternoon we'll have a picnic". I don't think so.

It is possible to use days of the week in the possessive form. For example:

a) "That Monday's assault on the Eiger was a bad idea."

b) "Thursday's vote on the bill will be the decisive factor".

Yes, the guy is right, then no apostrophe goes with Friday on the present piece of text, contrary to what I had said before.
Juliana Rios 24 105 397
I would keep that chunk intact as it was. To my thinking it conveys better the idea of “que...o blog que eu havia acabado de criar”. “Just” really do the trick there.
Paulo, I happened upon your observations while reading through the thread, and you are most certainly correct. I usually retype the original text while proofreading, and I accidentally left out the "just". It's obviously not incorrect - if anything, omitting it modifies the intended meaning of the original sentence. I also agree that "on that Friday afternoon" would be a better choice in this case. Keep the insights coming!
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Hey! no sweat.
Sometimes I get it right, sometimes you and others do. But then, I love this, we learn of each others. ;)
I myself, have learned a lot with you around.

Ah, and yess! I have been victim of copy-paste sometimes, out of haste. You know, these are modern and hectic times! :lol: