Correção de texto: "Jorge arrived the lounge and left..."

Jorge chegou à sala e deixou a porta aberta para a entrada de ar. Pegou o controle do televisor e ligou o aparelho; passou para o canal de vídeo e fez rodar o DVD de MPB que fora posto ontem. Passou a assistir Ivete Sangalo cantando “Festa” e aumentou o volume para abafar a música vinda da casa ao lado e ouvir as outras do banheiro. Ao pôr o controle num cômodo, esbarrou a mão num boneco, mandando-o ao chão. Apesar de sorridente, o artefato tinha uma expressão que assustava de modo que metia medo no filho de Jorge quando era menor. Pegou-o e apertou-o um pouco. Comprara-o, há muitos anos, com o intuito de que ele lhe realizasse alguns sonhos, o que não acontecera; mas permanecera com o boneco, por ser macio e servir de enfeite. Devolveu-o ao cômodo, deixando-o numa posição na qual o seu braço direito ficasse apontado para Jorge, que sentiu um calafrio – o boneco parecia dizer “Chegará a sua vez !”. O braço desceu aos poucos até ficar acomodado para baixo. Fitou-o mais um pouco.
– Que vai rolar a festa, vai rolar! – cantarolava, acompanhando a música que ouvia, indo ao quarto pegar a roupa de casa antes de ir ao chuveiro.

Jorge arrived the lounge and left the door open for an air vent. He took the TV control and turned it on; went to the video channel and rolled the Brazilian popular music DVD that he was laid in the day before. He started to watch Ivete Sangalo singing "Party" and turned up the volume to drown out the music coming from next door and heard the other songs in the bathroom. After putting the control in a mobile, he bumped his hand into a puppet, sending it to the ground. Although smiling, the artifact had a scary expression that put the fear in Jorge's son when he was younger. Jorge picked it up and shook it a little. He had purchased it many years ago, with aim that he carried some dreams, but it did not happen; but Jorge remained with the doll, for being soft and serve as ornament. He returned it to the mobile, leaving him in a position where your right arm stayed pointed at Jorge, who felt a chill – the doll seemed to say "your turn will come." The arm went down gradually until it settled down. He looked at him some more.
– There is going the party. There is going! – Humming the music he heard, going to the room pick up the household linen before he going to the shower.

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Jorge arrived at the living room and left the door open to let (some) air in. He took the TV control and turned it on; changed to the video channel and played the Brazilian popular music DVD that he had put in the player the day before. He started to watch Ivete Sangalo singing "Festa" and turned up the volume to drown out the music coming from next door and heard the other songs from the bathroom. After putting the control in a room, he bumped his hand against a puppet, sending it to the ground. Although smiling, the artifact had a scary expression that used to scare Jorge's son when he was younger. Jorge picked it up and shook it a little. He had purchased it many years ago, with the intent of fulfilling some dreams, but it did not happen; but Jorge kept the doll, for being soft and serve as an ornament. He returned it to the room, leaving it in a position where its right arm stayed pointed (or pointing) at Jorge, who felt a chill – the doll seemed to say "your turn will come." Its arm went down gradually until it settled down. He stared/gazed at it some more.
– Que vai rolar a festa, vai rolar!! – hummed Jorge, listening to the song attentively, going to his bedroom to get the linen before going to the bathroom.

Olá. Aqui é só uma sugestão! Deixe a letra da música em Português, porque não vi muita lógica em traduzir o que ele cantava, já que cantava em Português. O DVD também opto por deixar no original. Abraço.